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Engineering and Architecture
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Degree Programmes
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About us
Prospective Students (Degree Programmes)
Bachelor’s Degree
Schnuppertage 2024
(Only in German)
Master’s Degree
(Only in German)
Five good reasons to opt for Lucerne UASA
Praxisintegriertes Bachelorstudium PiBS
(Only in German)
Prospective Students (Continuing & Executive Programmes)
(Only in German)
Weiterbildung Kontaktformular
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Master of Advanced Studies MAS
Diploma of Advanced Studies DAS
Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS
Continuing and Executive Education Courses
Degree Programmes and Continuing and Executing Education ABC
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Advice on continuing and executive education
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Weiterbildung – in jedem Lebensalter
Netzwerkapéro Gesundheitscluster Zentralschweiz am 5. September 2023
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Newsletter Übersicht
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Login Subscription Center
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Data protection notice
Companies and Organisations
Für Forschende und (angehende) Doktorierende
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Open Science
Research data management
Open Access
Grants Office
Transferable and Methodological Skills
(Only in German)
Researching with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Research and Services Projects
Selected Projects and Project Database
MedTech cooperation
Seeking Birdscapes
Sonic Habitat
(Only in German)
Das begriffliche Dilemma
(Only in German)
Akustische Mimesis
(Only in German)
Well-being und Ökologie
(Only in German)
Art Mediation
(Only in German)
Künstlerische Beiträge
(Only in German)
Subpolar Birdscapes in Transformation
(Only in German)
Ganz Ohr: Akustisches Erwachen des Wasser- und Zugvogelreservats Wauwilermoos
(Only in German)
Vogelstimmen in der Musik
(Only in German)
Pirol (2017)
(Only in German)
Gardenscape (2020)
(Only in German)
Þráhyggjufugl (Obsession Bird) (2019) – Erstaufführung
(Only in German)
Conference «Seeking Birdscapes: Musik, Ökologie und die Klangwelten der Vögel»
Real Estate Asset Management
Photovoltaik und Design
Small-Scale Housing
Wohnen für alle
(Only in German)
About the Standing Committee on Research and Development
Digitalisierung studieren und gestalten
Bachelor und Master
(Only in German)
(Only in German)
Blockchain an der HSLU
(Only in German)
Publishing Acknowledgements
Unternehmen und Institutionen
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KMU Impuls
For Employees
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestätigung!
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Profil Zugriff
(Only in German)
For Students
Campus Luzern für Geflüchtete
Collaborative Online International Learning COIL
Confirmation of Receipt
Exchange and Short-Term Programmes
Exchange Programmes
Study abroad
Short-Term Programmes
IRUAS-Conference 2024
General Information
Introduction to Intercultural Competence & Self-Management Development
Introductory Weeks
Get started in Lucerne workshops
German - as a Foreign Language
Intercultural and English Competence Course B2
Study in English
Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Master’s degree programmes
Solidarity with Ukraine
For persons who need to leave Ukraine
Barrier-free studies
FAQ on the Contact Point for Barrier-free Learning
Contact form
Merkblätter hindernisfreie Lehre
(Only in German)
Merkblätter barrierefreie Dokumente
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Safeguarding against Sexual Harassment
Studium und Familie
(Only in German)
University Sports
Elite sport and study
Living and studying in Lucerne
Academic Year
Financial Matters
Scholarships and Prizes
Student organisations
About Lucerne
Do I need a visa?
Residence Permit
Entry without visa
Entry with visa
FAQs about student housing
Links to further offers
Shared flat life
Safety at the HSLU
Language Centre
Courses and Enrolment for the fall semester 2025
Arabisch A1.1
(Only in German)
Arabisch A1.2 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Chinesisch A1.1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Chinesisch A2.1 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
German as a Foreign Language A1
German as a Foreign Language A1 Intensive Course
German as a Foreign Language A2
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B2.2
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) C1.1
(Only in German)
Englisch B2 - Business English
(Only in German)
Englisch B2 - First
(Only in German)
Englisch C1 - Advanced
(Only in German)
English B2-C1 - Intercultural and English Competence Course
Italienisch A1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch A1 Intensivgrundkurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch A2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch A2 Intensivaufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A1.1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A1.2 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A2.1 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A2.2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Russisch A1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Russisch A2.1 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Russisch Aufbaukurs A2.2
(Only in German)
Spanisch A2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Courses and Enrolment for the spring semester 2026 block weeks
German as a Foreign Language A1
German as a Foreign Language A1 Intensive Course
German as a Foreign Language A2
Englisch B2-C1 - Intercultural and English Competence Course
Italienisch A1 Intensivgrundkurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch A1 Intensivgrundkurs
(Only in German)
Courses and Enrolment for the spring semester 2025 semester courses
Arabisch A1.1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Arabisch A1.2 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Chinesisch A1.1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Chinesisch A1.2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
German as a Foreign Language A1
German as a Foreign Language A1 Intensive Course
German as a Foreign Language A2
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B2.1
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) C1.2
(Only in German)
Englisch B2 - Business English
(Only in German)
Englisch B2 - First (FCE)
(Only in German)
Englisch C1 - Advanced (CAE)
(Only in German)
English C1 / C2 Proficiency Development
(Only in German)
Englisch B2-C1 - Intercultural and English Competence Course
Französisch B2.1
(Only in German)
Italienisch A1 Intensivgrundkurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch A1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch A2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A1.1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A1.2 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A2.1 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A2.2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Portugiesisch A1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Russisch A1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Russisch A2.1 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Russisch Fortsetzungskurs B1.1
(Only in German)
Spanisch A1 Intensivgrundkurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch A1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch A2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch B2.1 für Fortgeschrittene
(Only in German)
Courses and Enrolment for the fall semester 2025 block weeks
Arabisch A1.1
(Only in German)
Arabisch A1.2 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Chinesisch A1.1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Chinesisch A2.1 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
German as a Foreign Language A1
German as a Foreign Language A1 Intensive Course
German as a Foreign Language A2
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) B2.2
(Only in German)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache - (DaF) C1.1
(Only in German)
Englisch B2 - Business English
(Only in German)
Englisch B2 - First
(Only in German)
Englisch C1 - Advanced
(Only in German)
Italienisch A1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch A1 Intensivgrundkurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch A2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch A2 Intensivaufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Italienisch B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A1.1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A1.2 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A2.1 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Japanisch A2.2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Russisch A1 Grundkurs
(Only in German)
Russisch A2.1 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Russisch Aufbaukurs A2.2
(Only in German)
Spanisch A1 Intensivgrundkurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch A2 Aufbaukurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch B1.1 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Spanisch B1.2 Fortsetzungskurs
(Only in German)
Evaluation Tests and Self-Assessment
The Lecturers of the Language Centre
Kita Campus Crèche
About us
People Finder
Facts and Figures
2023 Facts and Figures
Jahresrechnung 2023
(Only in German)
(Only in German)
Mission, Vision, Strategy
Strategie 2024 – 2027
(Only in German)
Code of Conduct
HSLU publication
History of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Nachhaltigkeit an der Hochschule Luzern
(Only in German)
Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie und weitere Orientierungsrahmen
(Only in German)
(Only in German)
Studieren an der Hochschule Luzern
(Only in German)
Weiterbildung an der Hochschule Luzern
(Only in German)
Forschung und Entwicklung
(Only in German)
Nachhaltiges Hochschulleben
(Only in German)
Infrastruktur, Ressourcen und Beschaffung
(Only in German)
Mobilität an der Hochschule Luzern
(Only in German)
Qualitätsentwicklung an der Hochschule Luzern
(Only in German)
(Only in German)
Zuständigkeiten für Qualität
(Only in German)
Diversity Policy
Projects and Publications
Nationaler Zukunftstag
Fathers Day
Respektvolle Kommunikation
(Only in German)
Sexual Harassment Awareness Day
(Only in German)
Sexual Harassment Awareness Day 2023
(Only in German)
Wissenschaftsmanagement an Fachhochschulen und Pädagogischen Hochschulen
(Only in German)
Job Shadowing Third Space
(Only in German)
Mentoring Third Space
(Only in German)
Portfolio Beratung Third Space
(Only in German)
Jobs and Careers
Working at the HSLU
Employment conditions
Developing Skills
Job Profiles and Careers
Working in Switzerland
Herzliche Gratulation!
(Only in German)
Apprenticeship positions at a glance
Elektroniker:in EFZ
(Only in German)
Fachfrau:mann Betriebsunterhalt EFZ
(Only in German)
Informatiker:in EFZ Applikationsentwicklung
(Only in German)
Informatiker:in EFZ Plattformentwicklung
(Only in German)
Kauffrau:mann EFZ
(Only in German)
Mediamatiker:in EFZ
(Only in German)
Polymechaniker:in EFZ
(Only in German)
(Only in German)
Applying Made Easy
Berufsbildung bei Rektorat & Services
(Only in German)
Deine Lehre bei uns
Informatiker:in EFZ Applikationsentwicklung
Informatiker:in EFZ Plattformentwicklung
Mediamatiker:in EFZ
Management and Organisations
Support Services
Media Relations
Press Releases
Media Images
Hochschule Luzern
Technik & Architektur
Soziale Arbeit
Design & Kunst
University Magazine
Vom Wandel in der Kommunikation
(Only in German)
Zwischen Bedürfnis und Einschränkung
(Un)erschöpfliche Energie
Unser Alltag 4.0
(Only in German)
Das Jubiläumsmagazin
(Only in German)
Wohnen. Leben. Sein.
(Only in German)
Der mobile Mensch
(Only in German)
Neuland erobern
(Only in German)
Arbeitswelt von morgen
(Only in German)
(Only in German)
Fremde und Freunde
(Only in German)
Vielversprechende Verbindungen
(Only in German)
Stoff, aus dem Träume sind
(Only in German)
(Only in German)
Das Magazin Articles
Exchange and Networking
The HSLU is a partner with the European University Alliance (EU.ACE)
Interdisciplinary Networks (IDN)
IDN Spatial Development and Social Cohesion
IDN Health
IDN Carte Blanche Interdisciplinarity
Interdisciplinary Clusters (IC)
Tourism and Sustainable Development
Ergebnisse des Workshops «Zukunftsszenarien der nachhaltigen Entwicklung im Tourismus»
«Blick in die Werkstatt»
(Only in German)
ITC-Event am 10. Mai 2022
(Only in German)
ITC-Anlass vom 13. Dezember 2022
(Only in German)
ITC-Event vom 16. November 2021
(Only in German)
Data Worlds
Internal network of experts
externes netzwerk
Cooperation in Building and Planning
(Only in German)
Smart Region Zentralschweiz
(Only in German)
Newsletter Smart-up
(Only in German)
Ausbildung & Events
(Only in German)
Idee, Plan, Action!
(Only in German)
Business Mindset Angebote
(Only in German)
Match – Idea x start-up
About us
Services on Offer
Consulting and Coaching
The Study Programme as a Start-up Track
Entrepreneurship Track Technik & Architektur
(Only in German)
Smart-up Hub Horw
Business Park ZUG
Startup Pilatus in Sarnen
Working Point in Altdorf
Smart-up Hub Lucerne
Partner and network
Founding support
Infrastructure and Coworking
Online resources and services
Further offers of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Tipps and Links
Start-up Förderprogramme
(Only in German)
Our start-ups
HSLU Foundation
(Only in German)
HSLU Alumni
Legal Collection (in German)
University Buildings & Campus Locations
Hiring Rooms
Lucerne – Zentralstrasse 9
Hiring Rooms
(Only in German)
(Only in German)
Reservationsanfrage Hergiswil Labor
(Only in German)
Räume mieten
Lucerne – Werftestrasse 4
Information About the Admission Process
Information About the Registration Process
Information About the Admission Process
Information About the Admission Process
Information about the application and admission process
Information About the Admission Process
Information about the application and admission process
Information About the Admission Process
Information about the application and admission process
Information About the Admission Process
Information About the Admission Process
Information about the application and admission process
Information About the Admission Process
Information about the application and admission process
Information About the Admission Process
Information about the application and admission process
Information about online registration
Final Provisions
Final provisions – Lucerne School of Design Film Art
Final provisions – Lucerne School of Computer Science and Information Technology
Final provisions – Lucerne School of Music
Final provisions – Lucerne School of Social Work
Final provisions – Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture
Final provisions – Lucerne School of Business
Final Provisions
Final Provisions Continuing Education
Final Provisions, Continuing and Executive Education
Final Provisions Continuing Education
Final Provisions Continuing Education
Final Provisions, Continuing and Executive Education
Final Provisions Continuing Education
Declaration of own work for written assignments
Declaration of own work for written assignments