The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts welcomes not only full-time degree students, but also exchange students from numerous partner universities from all over the world.
The majority of incoming exchange students come from other European countries through the Swiss European Mobility Programme SEMP (former ERASMUS), but we also foster links with partner universities across the world through our international exchange programme.
Students from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts who want to study abroad for either a semester or a whole year can find information here on our partner network around the world.
We welcome exchange students from partner universities around the world, including SEMP (former ERASMUS) students from European partner universities.
We have exchange agreements with more than 200 partner institutions of higher education in more than 40 countries around the world. Students who would like to spend a single semester or entire year abroad have a wide range of places to choose from.
Information on eco-friendly travel
As part of the mobility programme, as many people as possible (students and staff) who embark on a SEMP mobility should travel in an eco-friendly manner, i.e. choose a means of transport such as train or bus for their outward and return journey. The principle of eco-friendly travel applies to Europe-wide mobilities. The following criteria must be met:
- the exchange semester is funded with a SEMP grant and takes place at a partner institution (Outgoing) or at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Incoming)
- the journey to and from the destination country was demonstrably made by public transportation (train, bus) – tickets must be presented
- the student’s name is visible on the tickets
For eco-unfriendly travel (airplane, car), a lump sum of CHF 100 will be deducted from the SEMP grant.
The amount is paid out once (even if the stay is extended).
The final decision as to whether a lump sum of CHF 100 will be deducted or not, lies within the responsibility of the according International Office.
Further information can be found here.
Informationen zu umweltfreundlichem Reisen
Im Rahmen des Mobilitätsprogramms sollen möglichst alle Personen (Studierende und Personal), welche eine SEMP-Mobilität antreten, umweltfreundlich reisen, d.h. für ihre Hin- und Rückreise ein Transportmittel wie Zug oder Bus wählen. Grundsätzlich gilt das Gebot der umweltfreundlichen Reise für europaweite Mobilitäten. Folgende Kriterien müssen erfüllt sein:
- das Austauschsemester wird mit SEMP-Mitteln gefördert und findet an einer Partnerinstitution (Outgoing) oder an der Hochschule Luzern (Incoming) statt
- die An- und Abreise zur Destination des Austauschsemesters erfolgt nachweislich mit dem öffentlichen Verkehr (Bahn, Bus) - Fahrkarten müssen vorgelegt werden
- auf den Tickets ist der Name ersichtlich
Bei einer umweltunfreundlichen Reise (Flugzeug, Auto) wird von der SEMP-Bezuschussung pauschal CHF 100 abgezogen.
Der Betrag wird (auch bei einer Verlängerung des Aufenthalts) einmalig ausbezahlt.
Die endgültige Entscheidung, ob eine Pauschale von CHF 100.00 abgezogen wird, liegt in der Verantwortung des zuständigen International Office.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.