Our university as a place of work and study
The HSLU unites people across its four areas of mandated activity: education, continuing education, research, and services. Students and employees in all roles and positions convene to learn and work together. They are united in their passion for education, science and culture.
University of proximity: curiosity, independence and quality standards
The HSLU expects its students, participants in continuing education programmes and employees to show curiosity, independence, and the willingness to grow and perform. As a university of proximity, we use our tradition of short and direct paths and connections to foster an interconnected and sustainable teaching and learning practice. Our activities are characterised by innovation, academic and artistic quality, and practical relevance.
A culture of respectful cooperation
The HSLU promotes a learning and work environment informed by respect and ethical standards. Being mindful of each other is at the heart of our actions. We foster a teaching and learning culture based on commitment and transparency, but also on dialogue and the ability to (self-)reflect and deal with conflict. Different perspectives can exist in this culture: it enables open and factual conversations, even about controversial positions. We are tolerant, accept differences of opinion and make our arguments without resorting to ideology and partisanship. We trust each other and use the resources at our disposal mindfully.
Expected conduct
At the HSLU, we expect our students, participants in continuing education programmes and employees to behave properly. Threats and violence, stalking, exploitation, bullying, discrimination, violations of privacy, slander or sexual harassment will not be tolerated. We encourage those experiencing inappropriate behaviour to object and seek advice from one of the dedicated contact points and specialist units. Exchanges with these units are confidential and take place in a private one-on-one setting.
Legal framework
Inappropriate conduct will not be accepted at the HSLU. The legal and disciplinary consequences as well as the dedicated processes and responsibilities are enshrined in the Regulations governing the safeguarding of personal integrity. The HSLU reserves the right to appoint expert counsel. People who are subject to inappropriate behaviour can always take civil action.
Die Ombudsstelle wird voraussichtlich im Frühsommer 2025 besetzt sein. Ansprechperson ad interim ist Patrick Röösli. Rechtliche Grundlage ist das Reglement Ombudsstelle Hochschule Luzern.