The admission fee will be paid directly with the registration .
You may pay your admission fee using a PostFinance Card (debit card), TWINT, a credit card (Mastercard or VISA) and PostFinance Mastercard® Value. Once the payment goes through, PostFinance will send you a confirmation of payment via email. If you pay by credit card on the website via payment service providers PostFinance or SIX, your surname, first name, address, post code, city, email address and credit card information will be forwarded to both your credit card issuer and credit card acquirer. If you decide to pay by credit card, you will be prompted to enter all the information required for the transaction.
The transfer and sharing of your personal data takes place in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss data protection legislation or the EU GDPR. If the EU GDPR applies, the legal basis is the fulfilment of a contract (art. 6, para 1, lit b of the EU GDPR). To learn more about the handling of your credit card information by these third parties, we advise you to also consult the terms and conditions and privacy policy of your credit card issuer.
Digital teaching activities
Copyright and personal rights as well as the right to one’s own image also apply to online teaching activities. Written material, videos and other teaching materials made available on ILIAS and in web meetings must not be shared with third parties. The recording of web meetings requires the prior express consent of all parties involved.
Data protection guidelines
- Use of personal data
§1 The Lucerne School of Social Work conforms to the applicable data protection legislation when handling the personal data of students.
§2 With their binding application, students consent to the Lucerne School of Social Work processing and/or linking their personal details (e.g. first name, last name, matriculation number, ECTS credits, degree programme, etc.) and photographs for the purposes of planning, organisation, evaluation, financing, statistics, information, continuing education advice, internal learning platforms and grading during and after the degree programmes. This includes forwarding the necessary information to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, to the Intercantonal Agreement Cantons or the Swiss Confederation, as well as to the Central Compensation Office (CENT).
§3 With their binding application, students consent to their data (first name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail address, date of birth, specialisation, commencement of studies, date of graduation, School) being passed on to the alumni association of the University of Applied Sciences for Central Switzerland (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Alumni) after completion of their degree programme/continuing and executive education programme in order to take out their free-of-charge one-year membership. If students do not wish for their personal data to be disclosed to the alumni association for the purpose of taking out a free-of-charge one-year membership, they may notify the association office via e-mail (info@alumnihslu.ch).
- Services provided by third parties
By using third-party services, e.g. Mobility car sharing, University Sports, etc., students consent to the Lucerne School of Social Work processing their details for the purpose of administering these services. The relevant information is forwarded to third parties only if expressly shared by the students and for the purpose of registration only. However, the possibility of external parties intercepting the transmission of personal data cannot be ruled out.
Legal/statutory principles
The degree programme is subject to whichever regulations are in force at the start of a given degree programme. The School explicitly reserves the right to amend and/or extend existing regulations and introduce new regulations during the course of the studies.
These apply to all students as they come into effect. The regulations may be read online at any time or obtained by contacting the programmes office of the Lucerne School of Social Work.