Vocational baccalaureate
Having successfully concluded an apprenticeship related to the chosen degree programme, holders of a vocational baccalaureate are welcome to apply. It makes no difference whether the vocational baccalaureate is taken during the apprenticeship or after it. Holders of a vocational baccalaureate wishing to pursue a bachelor's degree that is not related to their apprenticeship must first gain at least one year of professional experience in an area that is related to the degree. If the degree programme is in Social Work, at least one year of previous employment is required.
Holders of a baccalaureate may also pursue a bachelor's degree at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. They must, however, first gain at least one year of professional experience in an area that is related to the degree – or pass the entrance examination. If the degree programme is in Social work, at least one year of previous employment is required.
Equivalent qualification
Holders of other educational qualifications will not have to take the entrance examination to be admitted to a bachelor's degree programme at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, provided that the qualification is deemed equivalent to a vocational baccalaureate or federally recognised diploma, and provided that they have gained at least one year of employment-related experience related to the degree.
Entrance examination
Holders of any other qualification will have to take and pass an entrance examination before being admitted. By way of additional prerequisites, they must have completed at least three years of higher secondary education (equivalent to higher secondary education) and gained at least one year of employment-related experience related to the degree in question.
Special requirements
Einige Studiengänge an der Hochschule Luzern verlangen eine spezifische Eignung oder Berufserfahrung. So gelten zum Beispiel im künstlerischen (Gestalterischer Vorkurs) und musikalischen Bereich sowie in der Sozialen Arbeit besondere Zulassungsbedingungen. Es werden auch Eignungsabklärungen durchgeführt.