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Everything for the support of your innovation project
Inspiration, support and networking for everyone at the HSLU. The aim of Smart-up is to motivate students, alumni and employees to realise their business ideas and to offer guidance on their path to self-employment.
The path towards founding your own start-up business can be complicated and overwhelming. Our new Smart-up Map is here to help! Visit our website for information about the start-up process and for tools that help you along the way.
4. Business Mindset Workshop mit Marc Bernegger
Innosuisse Start-up Training an der Hochschule Luzern
impace: Geschäftsprozesse optimieren und digitale Projekte erfolgreich umsetzen
The Smart-up team offers a wide range of support, especially in the early stages of business idea development.
What kinds of support does the HSLU offer its students, employees, alumni and external start-up businesses?
Work desk-to-desk with like-minded people or move into the first proper office with your start-up.
Inspiring success stories and a selection of “Smart-up” start-up companies in Central Switzerland.
Find useful tips and links to access literature, events, coaching or just inspiration on the way to building your own start-up!
Our network partners are keen to offer various kinds of support to start-up businesses in the university environment.
All six Schools have designated contacts offering support and advice around self-employment and setting up a company to students and employees alike.
We are here for ideas in search of a team and for teams in search of ideas. Are you looking to hire for your start-up company or would you like to help a start-up to realise a business idea? Here, you will find like-minded people to team up with.
In der Schweiz existieren diverse Förderprogramme, welche Start-ups mit Geld und zum Teil auch Coachings unterstützen.
Der Smart-up-Newsletter informiert Sie mehrmals pro Jahr über Neuigkeiten aus der Start-up Förderung. Ausserdem werden Sie mit Hinweisen zu aktuellen Veranstaltungen sowie interessanten Lese- und Hörtipps bedient.