Learning Objectives
The students will realize that art provides a way to explore fundamental questions of human existence. They will learn to apply their (new) practical skills for making art probes. These skills include working with mechanisms, materials (fabric, wood and cardboard for prototyping), electronics (sensors and actuators) and programming skills (Arduino).
What does it mean to be human? We have been in a technological race since the end of the last century. As technology speeds up, do we need to be more efficient? If artificial intelligence is the new genie in the bottle, do we need to stop creating?
In this module, students will explore human existence through making. They will create artistic probes that introduce different skills for making 'functional' art objects. These objects will be analyzed through different philosophies of existence. Our motto is "make, realize and question".
For one week the students will experience being "artists in residence" in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. They will be guests at an artist studio and stay in residence. This visit will include excursions to studios and museums.
The final challenge of the module is to create an existential probe that defines a new relationship between human organisms and their environment. If we want to overcome the impact of humanity on our environment, we need to overcome what humanity is (Cimatti 2016). The creative output of this module will serve as the basis for a deeper understanding of the concept of humanity.
Course language
Stijn Ossevoort