Jede Person trägt mit ihrem spezialisierten Wissen und ihrer Leidenschaft für nachhaltigen Tourismus entscheidend zu unserem Lehrangebot bei.
Dr. Nagore Uresandi Espinosa (Spanien)
Founder and Manager at IN2destination Research and Consultancy in Tourism, serves as an External Expert for UN Tourism, EISMEA DG Grow EC, and the European Urban Initiative DG Region EC. With 18 years of experience in the tourism sector across Europe, Asia, America, and Africa, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her students.
«Looking forward to meeting new faces, enthusiastic students eager to learn about which key questions help destinations be sustainable and competitive and how to obtain trustworthy data to respond to those questions, and unlocking creative minds working on business cases in my modules on Competitiveness & Market Intelligence and Visual Communication.»
Module: Competitiveness & Market Intelligence, Visual Communication
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Prof. Marcello Gandolfi (Italien)
Global Head of Programmes for CODESPA, UN Tourism Academy Community based Tourism Expert
«A destination that is not enjoyed by its citizens, will not be enjoyed by its visitors.
My passion is to achieve the integration of local communities in tourist destinations, enhancing travellers' experiences, and making tourism more beneficial for residents. I will be very happy to share my experience from the last 15 years in sustainable tourism projects in different countries around the world.»
Modul: Social Responsibility in Tourism
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Natalia Bayona (Kolumbien)
Executive Director at UN Tourism
«I am excited to contribute to the students of this amazing programme, that I have impulsed since the very first moment. Education and innovation are essential for the future of this sector, where by 2030 882,000 tourism jobs per year will require vocational training worldwide. My experience in the tourism industry, of which more than 10 years are of high-level in the public and private sectors, will help me to share relevant, innovatve insights to shape the tourism leaders of the future.»
Modul: Corporate Innovation
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Prof. Gour Saraff (Spanien/Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Managing Director at Europe-India Chamber of Commerce
«Over 12 years of teaching combined with two decades of international business experience in multiple countries make me inspired and looking forward to sharing both the applied and academic side of the curriculum.»
Modul: Economics
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Adela Moreda (Spanien)
Senior Sustainable Tourism Specialist; Former Lead Tourism Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
«I am thrilled with the opportunity to interact with tourism students to learn about their unique perspectives, while contributing to their knowledge on the design, execution, and monitoring of tourism projects with my 28 years of experience in tourism regional planning, tourism policy and investment, and international development.»
Module: Project Management, Global UN Tourism Missions & Initiatives
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Prof. Urs Wagenseil (Schweiz)
Co-Head of the Competence Center for Tourism at HSLU
«I am happy to share my experiences with our students from my dual professional life in the world of tourism practice (incoming- and, outgoing tourism, destination management) and on the academic side, coupled with 20 years of international consulting and deep insights into sustainable destination development. I am very much looking forward to the exchange with these students.»
Modul: Destination Management
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Daniel Afonso (Spanien)
Global SVP People and Culture at Radisson Hotel Group
«With 25 years of experience in global human resource management I will help you understand how to manage individuals and organisations effectively. The course will prepare you for real-world challenges in organisational dynamics and workforce management and help you enhance your employability and professional growth in skills such as talent acquisition, talent management or strategic planning.»
Modul: HR Management & New Work
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Edgar Barroso (Spanien)
International CMC® (Certified Management Consultant) at CMC-Global Institute, Switzerland, Franchises and Business Owner
«With over 25 years of professional experience in different business fields and as a seasoned new venture & franchise entrepreneur, I specialize in International Business, International Marketing, Hospitality Management, Entrepreneurship, and Franchise Development Systems. I'm excited to discuss my experiences with our students, drawing from my diverse career in the tourism industry as well as the entrepreneurial world.»
Modul: Presenting & Interacting
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Alvaro Garcia Soto (Spanien)
Adjunct and Visiting Professor, Academic Director of Corporate MBAs at IE Business School, Financial Advisor and Consultant
«I have gained more than 25 years of experience exploring the financial area of companies as a financial analyst, advisor, and consultant, combined with the academic world as a professor at different universities, where I help my students understand financial information and financial language. I’m a passionate global traveler with more than 85 countries visited.»
Modul: Finance & Accounting
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Gabriela Salinas (Argentinien)
Global Managing Director at Brand Finance Institute
«Strong brands are built on evidence. You cannot turn your back on consumers, especially in an industry as competitive as tourism and hospitality, where loyalty declines as options proliferate. Recognizing and monitoring consumer behaviors and trends are key to building strong brands in the industry. This is the undeniable value that market research and Applied Tourism Data bring for marketing executives in the industry.»
Modul: Applied Tourism Data
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Héctor Coronel (Spanien)
Director of Tourism at Madrid City Council
«Within the generational change we are living, tourism is also rapidly transforming and the industry will experience a great growth in the coming years. I am proud to contribute to the future professionals with more than 30 years of experience in private companies, public sector and also entrepreneurship background.»
Modul: International Tourism in Transition
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Marcello Notarianni (Italien)
Sustainable Tourism Expert, Senior Associate of SMA Tourism
«As a Senior Economist I'm specialising in sustainable development of the tourism and hospitality industry with 25 years of experience in 4 continents and over 75 projects. I work as a catalyst for growth, helping to implement effective sustainable and inclusive tourism strategies and develop projects that create value. I provide advisory and training services for different destinations, tourism businesses and students to integrate sustainability, competitiveness, inclusiveness in planning, management, marketing, and operation.»
Modul: Global Sustainable Development
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Dr. Ignacio Gafo (Spanien)
Head of Programme (BSc IST), Spain
«I am a marketer and academic with nearly 30 years of experience crafting and implementing marketing strategies worldwide. My teaching philosophy emphasises bridging academic theory with practical application, fostering critical thinking, and empowering students to become innovative and responsible marketers. In my Tourism Marketing course, I focus on equipping students with the strategic and operational tools needed to develop and execute impactful marketing strategies.»
Modul: Tourism Marketing
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Dr. Antonella Fazio (Italien/Kolumbien)
Cofounder and Responsible for strategic product direction at Translucent Datalab (tech-spinoff from IE)
Adjunct professor at IE University
«With over ten years of experience in research, I have spent the past seven years specialising in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. At IE University and Translucent Datalab, my work focuses on tackling the challenges posed by illegal online markets for medicines. Curiosity lies at the heart of my teaching philosophy, and I strive to instill its significance in my students. Moreover, I prioritise equipping them with skills that are transferable across various professional contexts.»
Modul: Research Fundamentals, Research in Practice
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Dr. Ignacio de las Cuevas Rojo (Spanien)
Senior Tourism & Hospitality Advisor at RLA Global, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Certified Trainer
«I bring over 20 years of expertise in high-end hospitality, tourism development, and vocational training to the Bachelor's programme. With a track record of working across five continents, my teaching philosophy is centered on fostering a dynamic, student-focused learning environment that bridges academic theory with real-world applications. I am deeply committed to nurturing students’ critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, ensuring they leave the programme as change-makers prepared to shape a sustainable future for the global tourism industry.»
Modul: Product Management, Tourism Types & Business Models
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Prof. Natia Tchigvaria (Georgien)
Administrative Head of PhD programmes and professor at GIPA-Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Expert of Authorization for Higher Educational Institutions in Georgia
«With extensive teaching experience in qualitative research methods at undergraduate-level, I am well-equipped to guide students in mastering research and critical analysis. My academic background, combined with active international collaborations, enables me to foster a dynamic learning environment that seamlessly integrates theory with practical applications. I'm excited to explore the field of sustainable tourism together.»
Modul: Qualitative Research
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Caro Degryse (Belgien)
Founder of Humus Consulting for Tourism & Sustainability
Trainer, Teacher, Product Management
«I am a tourism expert with 30 years of experience in product development and destination strategy. I help tour operators create differentiated travel experiences and lead workshops on climate, biodiversity, and sustainable management. We will focus on linking these back to tourism during the course.»
Modul: Ecosystem & Resources
Javier Sancho (Spanien)
Chief Commercial & Marketing Officer ACHM Hotels by Marriott.
«My teaching philosophy is based on learning through the exchange of experiences combined with active discussion within an appropriate theoretical framework. The greatest value I bring to the programme is the practical experience I have gained in more than 30 years in commercial and marketing responsibilities as well as team management in different hotel companies, along with a forward-looking perspective on trends in the hospitality sector.»
Modul: Hospitality Management & Effective Intercultural Teams
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Dr. Associate Prof. Teona Mataradze (Georgien)
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Tbilisi State University, Expert-Consultant for Local and International Research Projects.
"As an Associate Professor at Tbilisi State University with extensive experience in qualitative research, I am excited to share my expertise in social science research with students in the sustainable tourism program. My teaching philosophy emphasises learning by doing, strongly focusing on skill development. With years of experience in conducting research-based projects and teaching research methods at all academic levels, I am committed to integrating theory with practical applications. I look forward to guiding students in developing their analytical skills."
Modul: Qualitative Research
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Dr. Anna Para (Polen)
Researcher and lecturer at Institute of Tourism and Mobility at HSLU
“I look forward to a mutual enriching exchange with international BSc IST students, where we learn from one another while exploring the dynamic and evolving world of tourism together. Sharing my knowledge and experience in applied research and digitalization in tourism—my key area of interest—is something I truly enjoy.”
Modul: Research in Practice
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