Die Teilnahme am University Affiliation Program des CFA Institutes unterstreicht den Praxisbezug des MSc in Banking and Finance sowie die Relevanz der unterrichteten Inhalte. Die Studiengangleitung des MSc in Banking and Finance kann zudem künftig eine limitierte Anzahl von Stipendien an eigene Studierende vergeben.
In der Schweiz sind bisher lediglich die Finance-Master-Programme der Universität St. Gallen, Universität Neuchâtel, Universität Lausanne sowie der EPFL Teil des CFA University Affiliation Programms. Weltweit sind 637 Hochschulen Teil des CFA University Affiliation Programms.
Weitere Informationen:
Besuchen Sie unsere Website und lesen Sie das Interview mit unserem Absolventen Marcel Masshardt zur Vereinbarkeit des MSc in Banking and Finance mit der Ausbildung zum Chartered Financial Analyst®.
CFA Institute
CFA Institute is the global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence and administers the industry gold standard CFA charter. The organization is a champion for ethical behavior in investment markets and a respected source of knowledge in the global financial community. The end goal: to create an environment where investors’ interests come first, markets function at their best, and economies grow. CFA Institute has more than 176,000 members in 166 countries and territories, including 164,000 CFA charterholders. For more information, visit www.cfainstitute.org
CFA Program
The CFA Program sets a standard for developing the skills, standards, competence, and integrity of financial analysts, portfolio managers, investment advisers, and other investment professionals worldwide. It is widely considered the investment profession’s most rigorous credentialing program. Administered in English, the CFA curriculum and examinations are identical worldwide. Fewer than one in five candidates who begin the program successfully complete it and go on to earn the coveted CFA charter, the “gold standard” for investment professionals