Geyer, Carolin & Para, Anna (09.10.2024). Die Rolle virtueller Influencer im Kulturbereich - Eine Analyse der visuellen Präsentationsstrategien virtueller Influencer am Beispiel von Esther Olofsson auf Instagram. 15. Jahrestagung 2024 - Analog, digital oder irgendwo dazwischen – die zukünftigen Räume der Kultur, Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik.
Para, Anna; Geyer, Carolin; Wyss, Melanie & Müller, Meike (05.06.2024). The rise of virtual influencers in marketing: investigating the potential of virtual influencers in tourism marketing. Advances in Destination Management Forum - ADM 2024, Lucerne.
Eberhard, Urs; Geyer, Carolin; Laug, Stephan & Eggli, Florian (05.06.2024). Developing tourism products based on the cultural heritage of Mt. Rigi in a participatory approach. Advances in Destination Management (ADM), Lucerne, Switzerland.
Geyer, Carolin (21.09.2023). Understanding the use of music in the context of social media short videos. Mediations of Music and Power in Online Music Cultures, Stockholm.
Geyer, Carolin (04.07.2023). Understanding the use of music in the context of social media short videos. Sound on Screen II, Oxford.
Geyer, Carolin; Dawn, Rose & Wyss, Melanie (13.10.2022). Researching musical fit in social media touristic short videos. A pilot study testing the musical fit of audio-visual tourism TikTok adverts between age groups. IASPM-Norden Conference Disciplining Music Heritage, Seinäjoki, Finland.
Geyer, Carolin; Rose, Dawn & Wyss, Melanie (02.09.2022). RESEARCHING MUSICAL FIT IN SOCIAL MEDIA TOURISTIC SHORT VIDEOS. Die Psychologie der populären Musik | Die 38. DGM-Jahrestagung in Würzburg 2022, Neue Universität Würzburg.
Geyer, Carolin; Zimmermann, Luzia; Wyss, Melanie & Stettler, Jürg (08.06.2022). Are they marketing what tourists are coming to see? A comparative analysis of projected and perceived destination image on Instagram for the Lake Lucerne Region. Advances in Destination Management, Kalmar, Schweden.
Geyer, Carolin (29.10.2020). Music in the audiovisual context of Social Media short-form-videos. Ph.D. Conference Music Faculty, Janacek Academy of Music and Performing arts, Brno, Tschechien.