Michael Handschuh
Handschuh Michael HSLU I
Research Software Architect
ENFLATE: ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies
ENFLATE: ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies
Regulatory Information System for Real Estate
Career Tracker
Organisationale Kreativität
Pathway to a Competitive European Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration Market
ITIS - Objective Monitoring of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Organisationale Kreativität - eine handlungsorientierte Toolbox
Organisationale Kreativität - eine handlungsorientierte Toolbox
ITC - Big Data Hochschule Luzern Cloud
Smart Energies - Energiemanagement der Zukunft
ITC - Autonome Low-Cost Emissionsüberwachung von Holzfeuerungen
NaviMow - Autonomer Rasenmähroboter
RoVeKo - Roboter in der Vegetationskontrolle
Online-Experiment Wirkung von Nachhaltigkeits-Ratings bei Online-Hotelbuchungen
Interactive-Media Streaming (IMS)
Tourism Footprint Game
Vorstudie über die Vorgehensweise von effizienten Antrieben / mobilen Schnittstellen des Elektro Stehrollers
Publikationen und Präsentationen
Majeed, Tahir; Christen, Ramón; Handschuh, Michael & Meier, René (2021). Pattern Dependent Optimized Mowing of Football Fields with an Autonomous Robot. Proceedings of The Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP 2021), 1-8.
Majeed, Tahir; Handschuh, Michael & Meier, René (2017). Automatic Scheduling of Dependency-Based Workflows [Besprechung des Buchs International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence]. Springer Verlag, 2017, 309-317.
Publikationen und Präsentationen - Artikel, Rezension; peer reviewed
Majeed, Tahir; Christen, Ramón; Handschuh, Michael & Meier, René (2021). Pattern Dependent Optimized Mowing of Football Fields with an Autonomous Robot. Proceedings of The Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP 2021), 1-8.
Majeed, Tahir; Handschuh, Michael & Meier, René (2017). Automatic Scheduling of Dependency-Based Workflows [Besprechung des Buchs International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence]. Springer Verlag, 2017, 309-317.
Publikationen und Präsentationen - Präsentation (Tagungsbeitrag/Referat/Vortrag)
Majeed, Tahir; Handschuh, Michael & Meier, René (21.06.2017). Automatic Scheduling of Dependency-Based Workflows. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 14th International Conference, Porto, Portugal.