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Advanced Rhythms (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(56.6 KB) .PDF
Donaueschinger Musiktage (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(107.6 KB) .PDF
Electronics in the Score – New Music and Technology (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(76.7 KB) .PDF
Ensemblespiel Neue Musik 1, Grundlagenkurs (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(90.5 KB) .PDF
Hörlabor Neue Musik: Off the Beaten Path (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(94.1 KB) .PDF
Interactions in Music and Art (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(59.5 KB) .PDF
Interdisziplinarität – Theorie und Praxis (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(71.5 KB) .PDF
Keyboard: Einführungskurs für Pianist:innen (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(76.1 KB) .PDF
Kosmos 360° (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(84.6 KB) .PDF
Seen with the Ear – Heard with the Eye, Teil 1 (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(58.5 KB) .PDF
Turn that Knob: Klangsynthese und Kontexte der elektronischen Musik (HS24/25) (Only in German)
(57.9 KB) .PDF
Advanced Rhythms II (FS25) (Only in German)
(58.1 KB) .PDF
Darmstädter Ferienkurse (FS25) (Only in German)
(62.0 KB) .PDF
Electronics in the Score – Advanced Workshop (FS25) (Only in German)
(58.7 KB) .PDF
Hörlabor Neue Musik: Off the Beaten Path II (FS25) (Only in German)
(76.3 KB) .PDF
Interactions in Music and Art (FS25) (Only in German)
(57.5 KB) .PDF
Interdisciplinarity II – The Rest is Music (FS25) (Only in German)
(69.3 KB) .PDF
Kosmos 360° II (FS25) (Only in German)
(59.1 KB) .PDF
Seen with the Ear – Heard with the Eye, Teil 2 (FS25) (Only in German)
(54.1 KB) .PDF
Shapeshifters – Composition and Performance with Live Audiovisuals (FS25) (Only in German)
(70.1 KB) .PDF
Turn that Knob II (FS25) (Only in German)
(90.8 KB) .PDF