Stiebe, Michael & von Arx, Widar (17.09.2024). Comparative Analysis of User Characteristics and Use Patterns in Free-Floating and Station-Based E-Bike Sharing Systems – Empirical Insights from the Basel Metropolitan Area. European Transport Conference 2024, Antwerpen.
Blättler, Kevin; von Arx, Widar & Wallimann, Hannes (16.05.2024). Free public transport to the destination: A causal analysis of tourists’ travel mode choice. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
Blättler, Kevin; von Arx, Widar & Wallimann, Hannes (04.04.2024). Gratis An- und Rückreise mit dem öV in die Feriendestination - Der Effekt auf die Verkehrsmittelwahl. DACH-Tagung 2024: Young Experts zu Dekarbonisierung & Nachhaltigkeit in der Mobilität, Innsbruck.
Blättler, Kevin; von Arx, Widar & Wallimann, Hannes (14.09.2023). Do price reductions attract customers in urban public transport? A synthetic control approach. Swiss Mobility Conference, Lausanne.
Wallimann, Hannes; Blättler, Kevin & von Arx, Widar (06.09.2023). Do price reductions attract customers in urban public transport? A synthetic control approach. hEART 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Zürich.
Vu, Thao Thi & von Arx, Widar (06.06.2023). Getting Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals. Sharing Experiences in International Journal Publication, Hue, Vietnam.
Vu, Thao Thi & von Arx, Widar (05.06.2023). Swiss Cooperation in the Travel and Tourism Sector: Long-term Relationships and Superior Performance. Tourism value chain governance for sustainability, Hue, Vietnam.
Blättler, Kevin; von Arx, Widar & Wallimann, Hannes (24.08.2022). Do price reductions attract customers in urban public transport? A synthetic control approach. International Conference on Tourism and Business ICTB, Luzern.
Ohnmacht, Timo & von Arx, Widar (26.01.2022). Verhaltensänderung: Umsteigebereitschaft an Mobilitätshubs. Mobilitätskongress 2022 - Hotspot Mobilitätshub, Luzern.
von Arx, Widar (15.11.2019). Fliegst du noch oder schämst du dich schon? ZVR-Tagung: Herausforderung Klimawandel, Emmenbrücke.
von Arx, Widar (05.11.2019). Digitalisierung und Automatisierung: Wie soll der öffentliche Verkehr darauf antworten? Seminar «Mobilität der Zukunft», Luzern.
von Arx, Widar (12.09.2019). Intermodalität und Nachhaltigkeit - Chancen und Risiken von digitalen Mobilitätsdienstleistungen. Mobilitätswoche Basel Dreiland: Bahnknoten und Herzstück Basel, Basel-Stadt, Gare du Nord.
von Arx, Widar; Wallimann, Hannes; Wegelin, Philipp; Frölicher, Jonas & Schwarz, Jürg (27.08.2019). The use of short-term demand forecasts for tourism providers. Am empirical analysis from Switzerland. International Conference in Tourism and Business, Bangkok.
Vu, Thao Thi; Ohnmacht, Timo; von Arx, Widar & Endrissat, Nada (27.08.2019). Business model innovation of coworking spaces in touristic mountain regions and urban areas of Switzerland. 3rd International Conference on Tourism and Business 2019, Salaya, Thailand.
Imhof, Sebastian; Frölicher, Jonas; von Arx, Widar & Vu, Thi Thao (25.08.2019). Shared Autonomous Vehicles in rural public transportation systems. Thredbo 16, Singapur.
Vu, Thao Thi; Imhof, Sebastian; von Arx, Widar; Frölicher, Jonas & Ohnmacht, Timo (25.08.2019). Potential Impacts of Ridesharing in Rural Switzerland. Thredbo 16 - International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Singapore.
Vu, Thi Thao; Endrissat, Nada; Ohnmacht, Timo & von Arx, Widar (04.12.2018). Digital Lives in Coworking Spaces: Do Mobile Lifestyles Reduce Rural-Urban Disparities? Digital Futures Network Day, Habitat Research Center, the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Imhof, Sebastian; Frölicher, Jonas; Sonderegger, Roger & von Arx, Widar (15.11.2018). Shared autonomous vehicles and their contribution to improve rural public transport. RSA Winter Conference 2018: New Horizons for Cities and Regions in a Changing World, London.
Vu, Thi Thao; von Arx, Widar & Frölicher, Jonas (27.08.2018). Swiss Way of Cooperation in the Leisure Travel and Tourism Industry: Long-lasting Relationships. The 68th AIEST Conference on Co-creating Tourism Experiences: Chances, Frontiers and Limitations, Treviso, Italy.
von Arx, Widar (18.10.2017). Touristische Mobilität von morgen – eine Chance für alpine Destinationen? Alpenweiter Tourismus Mobilitätstag, Werfenweng.
von Arx, Widar; Vu, Thi Thao & Wegelin, Philipp (31.08.2017). Weather Myths: How Bad is Bad Weather for Day Visits to Outdoor Recreation Destinations? The International Conference on Tourism and Business, Lucerne.
von Arx, Widar; Maarfield, Simon ; Vu, Thi Thao; Wegelin, Philipp & Frölicher, Jonas (14.08.2017). An analysis of international passenger train services development from and to Switzerland from 2007 to 2016. 15th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (Thredbo Conference), Stockholms, Sweden.
Wegelin, Philipp & von Arx, Widar (30.08.2015). The impact of alternative governance forms of regional public rail transport on transaction costs. Case evidence from Germany and Switzerland. Thredbo International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
von Arx, Widar & Endrissat, Nada (03.07.2014). Convention theory: A fresh perspective on resistance to change. EGOS 2014, Rotterdam.
von Arx, Widar & Endrissat, Nada (22.05.2014). Blurred lines: resistance from a convention perspective in complex organizational settings. Organization Studies Workshop, Korfu, Greece.
von Arx, Widar (20.02.2014). Wir sind auch in der Freizeit unterwegs. Wer reist wie und warum? Mediensprecherevent Freizeitverkehr der Bahnjournalisten, Hochschule Luzern.
Tuckermann, Harald; von Arx, Widar & Rüegg‐Stürm, Johannes (07.08.2007). "Sub-Cutane" Change: Introducing Fast Track Surgery in the Context of Multiple Discourses. Academy of Management, Philadelphia.