The Lucerne School of Business is Central Switzerland's centre of excellence in the economically and socially important areas of business and regional economics, banking and finance, communications and marketing, as well as tourism and mobility. The demanding, practically relevant and research-based bachelor's and master's degree programmes we offer are instrumental in turning out qualified employees for companies, public institutions and not-for-profit organisations. Our portfolio of broad-based continuing and executive education programmes makes us the largest continuing education provider amongst Switzerland’s business schools at universities of applied sciences. We are committed to anchoring our research and development projects in the dialogue between research, business and the community. Clients from all parts of society benefit from the broad knowledge and immense project management experience of our experts. Based in Lucerne and Zug-Rotkreuz in Central Switzerland, our extensive national and international networks offer pathways to the world. Some 350 employees work for the Lucerne School of Business are, all of whom possess high levels of research and academic skills, as well as broadly based practical expertise. Currently, around 2,200 students benefit from our bachelor's and master's programmes. Last year, some 2,200 people attended our continuing education and executive CAS, DAS and MAS programmes, with 4,800 attending a specialist course or seminar.
The Lucerne School of Business develops people and organisations, in particular in Central Switzerland, but also nationally and internationally. Its services are aligned with the current and future needs of its partners from the business and research communities, as well as from society generally.
The School's mandate covers degree programmes, continuing and executive education, and research and consultancy services. Its degree and continuing and executive education programmes provide professionally oriented qualifications and are research-based; its research is application oriented, competitive and open to experimentation; its services are fit for the market, implementation oriented and based on research.
Students and employees appreciate learning and working at the University. Ambitious goals are met thanks to pragmatic cooperation in and between manageably sized units. Students and employees act responsibly as a team; they are inquisitive, precise and self-reflecting.
The benchmark for our educational provision is the employment market: more than 95 percent of our students are quickly in employment after they graduate. 70 percent even go straight to executive level positions. We measure the success of our continuing and executive education programmes by the satisfaction of our students and the impact on their professional careers. By the same token, the quality of our research is measured against its acceptance by the research community and its relevance to commercial enterprises, institutions and associations.
The Lucerne School of Business benefits from a structure that is both effective and promotes innovation. Four institutes guarantee expertise, while three departments ensure quality and relevance in degree programmes, continuing education, research and services.
The School's senior management team from left to right:
- Markus Gisler, Co-Head of the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ
- Jürg Stettler, Vice Dean of Research and Head of the Institute of Tourism and Mobility ITM
- Matthes Fleck, Head of the Institute of Communication and Marketing IKM
- Martin Gubler, Vice Dean – Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes
- Hannes Egli, Co-Head of the Institute of Business and Regional Economics IBR
- Christine Böckelmann, Dean
- Erik Nagel, Vice Dean – Continuing Education and Co-Head of the Institute of Business and Regional Economics IBR
- Andreas Dietrich, Co-Head of the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ
2021 feierte die Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft ihren 50. Geburtstag. Auf der für das Jubiläum entwickelten Website erzählen Zeitzeuginnen und Zeitzeugen über die Anfänge in den 1970er-Jahren und die Entwicklung in den Leistungsbereichen bis heute.
Innerhalb von 50 Jahren von 26 auf über 2'500 Studierende: Die Geschichte der Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft ist geprägt von rasantem Wachstum, Innovation und einer engen Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen und Institutionen. Alles begann 1971 mit der Gründung der «Höheren Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsschule (HWV) Luzern». Nach dem Zusammenschluss zur Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz im Jahr 1997 trug die Institution zehn Jahre lang die Bezeichnung «Hochschule für Wirtschaft Luzern (HSW)», und seit 2007 ist die Marke «Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft» etabliert. In diesen 50 Jahren waren viele Menschen für die Institution wichtig: Mitarbeitende, Studierende, Weiterbildungsteilnehmende sowie Partnerinnen und Partner in Unternehmen, Institutionen und Verbänden. Die Unterstützung, das Vertrauen und das Engagement von Vielen prägte die Entwicklung der Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft und umgekehrt war die Institution prägend für zahlreiche Biografien und Organisationen. Die Geschichte der Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft ist damit eine Geschichte der Menschen, die mit ihr verbunden sind oder waren.
Neben der Jubiläums-Website entstanden im Rahmen des runden Geburtstages der Hochschule Luzern – Wirtschaft eine Festschrift sowie eine Publikation mit Kennzahlen zur Ausbildung, welche Einblicke in die Bildungsbiografien der Absolventinnen und Absolventen gibt.