Köchli, Sabrina; Casso, Isabel; Whyatt, Caroline; Schmid, Stefan; Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne & Rose, Dawn (26.03.2025). Functional Mobility Assessment in Parkinson’s (FMA-P) A pilot feasibility study and a new methodological approach. GAMMA Kongress, St.Gallen.
Rose, Dawn (09.11.2024). Musician’s Health and Wellbeing. SwissMedMusic Annual Meeting, Luzern.
Rose, Dawn (31.10.2024). Undertaking Transdisciplinary Research. Workshop on Transdisciplinary Research, Lugano.
Rose, Dawn (24.10.2024). Abend der Wirtschaft 2024: Gesundheitstechnologien und Komfort. HSLU: Technik & Architektur, Luzern.
Alessandri, Elena; Rose, Dawn; Cruder, Cinzia & Senn, Olivier (03.07.2024). Taking a holistic view of music student wellbeing in higher education: a three year study of physical and psychological health in a Swiss conservatory. European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music 12th Triennial Conference, York.
Phillips, Michelle; Rose, Dawn; Stuart, Fiona; Köchli, Sabrina; Ungerer, Marietta; Young, William; Dinacci, Daria; Paolantonio, Paolo; Bek, Judith; Annett, Lucy; Whyatt, Caroline & Poliakoff, Ellen (03.07.2024). Music, Imagery, Movement, Mood and Parkinson’s Symposium. European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music 12th Triennial Conference, York.
Rose, Dawn; Köchli, Sabrina; Ungerer, Marietta; Paolantonio, Paolo; Dinacci, Daria; Annett, Lucy & Whyatt, Caroline (03.07.2024). Songlines for Parkinson's: A feasibility study of a co-developed group-based music and movement intervention for and with people with Parkinson's, practitioners, medical professionals and scientists. ESCOM 12, York.
Rose, Dawn (22.06.2024). Music, Movement, Mood and Parkinson's. Parkinson Schweiz Mitgliederversammlung 2024, Olten.
Rose, Dawn (02.04.2024). People Fixing the World. BBC World Service, Radio.
Köchli, Sabrina; Casso, Isabel; Whyatt, Caroline; Schmid, Stefan; Ungerer, Marietta; Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne & Rose, Dawn (07.02.2024). Functional Mobility Assessment in Parkinson’s: A pilot feasibility study and a new methodological approach. Schweizer Gesellschaft der Sportwissenschaft (SGS), ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg.
Bek, Judith; Poliakoff, Ellen; Phillips, Michelle; Young, William & Rose, Dawn (28.10.2023). Music and movement in mind: Exploring vividness and use of imagery related to music and movement in people with Parkinson’s disease. Neuromusic 2023, McMaster University (and online), Canada..
Ungerer, Marietta & Rose, Dawn (18.10.2023). Presenting a new method for video analyses to evaluate different types of musical engagement for people with Parkinson's disease. 16th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, University of Sheffield, UK.
Phillips, Michelle; Poliakoff, Ellen; Rose, Dawn & Young, William (06.07.2023). The Use of Music in Everyday Life among people with Parkinson’s: A Mixed Methods Study. World Parkinson Congress, Barcelona.
Köchli, Sabrina; Rose, Dawn & Ungerer, Marietta (06.07.2023). Songlines for Parkinson's: A new approach to co-developing a group-based music and movement intervention for and with people with Parkinson's, practitioners, medical professionals and scientists. World Parkinson Congress, Barcelona.
Köchli, Sabrina; Phillips, Michelle; Poliakoff, Ellen; Rose, Dawn; Ungerer, Marietta & Young, William (22.06.2023). Songlines for Parkinson's: Exploring how people with Parkinson's use music in everyday life and applying this within an interdisciplinary framework to co-develop a new music and movement-based intervention. Rhythm Perception and Performance Workshop (RPPW19), Nottingham.
Ungerer, Marietta; Köchli, Sabrina; Harrington, Penny; Whyatt, Caroline; Annett, Lucy & Rose, Dawn (23.04.2023). Music, Movement, Mood & Parkinson's: A transdisciplinary PPI approach to optimizing the use of music in rehabilitation for people with Parkinson's. The International BNA 2023 Festival of Neuroscience, Brighton, UK.
Rose, Dawn (23.03.2023). Music, Movement, Mood and Parkinson's: Project Partner Update. University of Hertfordshire, Department of Psychology.
Rose, Dawn (03.01.2023). Music, Movement, Mood and Parkinson's New Year Lecture for Sounding Board. University of Lille, France, SCALab.
Rose, Dawn (07.11.2022). Testimonial: Reflecting on the concomitant development of cognitive, behavioural and socio-emotional abilities in musicians. Culture and Health 2022: Healing through Music, Lugano.
Ungerer, Marietta; Köchli, Sabrina & Rose, Dawn (02.09.2022). Music, Movement, Mood & Parkinson's: Working with patients and practitioners to optimize the use of music in the non-pharmacological treatment of motor and non-motor symptoms for people with Parkinson’s disease in Switzerland. 38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie, Universität Würzburg, Deutschland.
Geyer, Carolin; Rose, Dawn & Wyss, Melanie (02.09.2022). RESEARCHING MUSICAL FIT IN SOCIAL MEDIA TOURISTIC SHORT VIDEOS. Die Psychologie der populären Musik | Die 38. DGM-Jahrestagung in Würzburg 2022, Neue Universität Würzburg.
Sigrist, Carlo; Alessandri, Elena; Baldassarre, Antonio & Rose, Dawn (17.06.2022). Empowering Musicians: Förderung gesunder Musik-Karrieren im Hochschulkontext. Case-Präsentation. Die Bürgenstock-Konferenz 2022 der Schweizer Fachhochschulen und Pädagogischen Hochschulen: Die soziale Verantwortung der Hochschulen., Luzern.
Phillips, Michelle; Poliakoff, Ellen & Rose, Dawn (14.06.2022). Playlist for Parkinson's LIVE! Pre-concert Talk. Playlist for Parkinson's LIVE!, Royal Northern College of Musi, Manchester, UK.
Rose, Dawn; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Lovatt, Peter & Orgs, Guido (20.11.2021). The Goldsmiths Dance Sophistication Index (Gold-DSI): A Psychometric Tool to Assess Individual Differences in Dance Experience. 17th NeuroMusic Conference 2021: Rhythm and Interpersonal Coordination, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada (Virtual).
Alessandri, Elena; Rose, Dawn & Sigrist, Carlo (27.10.2021). International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS). Hard work and hopefulness: Music students' health and wellbeing as they enter specialised higher education., Montreal, Canada (Virtual).
Phillips, Michelle; Ward, Susanna; Rose, Dawn; Young, William & Poliakoff, Ellen (28.07.2021). Uses of music by people with parkinson’s when completing everyday tasks. International Conference Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Alessandri, Elena; Rose, Dawn; Sigrist, Carlo; Blackstone, Kate & Burland, Karen (28.07.2021). A mixed methods investigation of music student wellbeing: Perspectives from schools of music in Switzerland and the UK. International Conference Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Rose, Dawn; Phillips, Michelle; Young, William & Poliakoff, Ellen (28.07.2021). A SURVEY INVESTIGATING THE USE OF MUSIC, MUSICAL AND MOTOR IMAGERY, FOR MOOD AND MOVEMENT MANAGEMENT AMONG PEOPLE WITH PARKINSON’S_. International Conference Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Senn, Oliver; Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Rose, Dawn; Schmidt Câmara, Guilherme; Düvel, Nina; Jerjen, Raphael; Kilchermann, Lorenz; Hoesl, Florian; Baldassare, Antonio & Alessandri, Elena (28.07.2021). Experience of Groove Questionnaire: Instrument Development. International Conference Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Poliakoff, Ellen; Young, William; Phillips, Michelle & Rose, Dawn (12.07.2021). How do people with Parkinson’s use music and motor imagery to manage their movements? BRNet Body Representation Workshop, Virtual.
Karageorghis, Costas; Rose, Dawn; Annett, Lucy E.; Bek, Judith; Bottoms, Lindsay; Lovatt, Peter; Poliakoff, Ellen; Schultz, Benjamin; Whyatt, Caroline; Young, William & Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne (04.06.2021). The BASES Expert Statement on the Use of Music for Movement among People with Parkinson’s. Art in Motion (Rhythm), Online.
Prado, Lia; Hadley, Rebecca & Rose, Dawn (04.06.2021). Taking time: A mixed methods study of Parkinson’s disease caregiver participation in activities in relation to their wellbeing. Art in Motion (Rhythm), Online.
Alessandri, Elena; Rose, Dawn & Wasley, David (09.09.2020). Health and wellbeing in higher education: Challenges for music and sport. Autumn 2020 SEMPRE Conference. The role of music psychology research in a complex world: Implications, applications and debates., University of Leeds (Online).
Alessandri, Elena; Rose, Dawn & Wasley, David (03.09.2020). Health and Wellbeing in Higher Education: a comparison of Music and Sport students through the framework of self-determination theory. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikpsycholgie -Jahrestagung 2020, Virtual Poster Conference.
Rose, Dawn (18.06.2020). The future of using music in Parkinson’s rehabilitation. Parkinson's UK West Herts Branch Meeting, Online.
Rose, Dawn (18.06.2020). The use of music for movement among people with Parkinson's. Parkinson's UK West Herts branch meeting, Online Talk.
Rose, Dawn (12.11.2019). The effects of music on different types of movement in older people and in Parkinson's. The Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing, University of Manchester.
Rose, Dawn (11.10.2019). Let the music make you move: Embodied entrainment in Parkinson's. The Crick Institute Symposia on Music and Science, The Crick Institute, London, UK.
Rose, Dawn; Müllensiefen, Daniel & Orgs, Guido (06.09.2019). The Dance Sophistication Index. German Society for Music Psychology Conference on Cognitve Music Psychology, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Alessandri, Elena; Rose, Dawn; Baldassarre, Antonio; Senn, Olivier; Szamatulski, Katrin & Williamson, Victoria Jane (06.09.2019). Is music criticism a dying art? Society for German Music Psychology Conference on Cognitive Music Psychology, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Germany.
Rose, Dawn; Schultz, Benjamin; Cameron, Daniel J.; Annett, Lucy E.; Lovatt, Peter; Grahn, Jessica A. & Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne (06.09.2019). Music and Movement in Parkinson's. German Society for Music Psychology Conference on Cognitve Music Psychology, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.
Rose, Dawn (07.07.2019). The Ontology of Musicians. International Musicological Society 2019 Intercongressional Symposium, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Rose, Dawn; Alessandri, Elena; Annett, Lucy E.; Greenhalgh, Andy; Hadley, Rebecca; Senn, Olivier & Whyatt, Caroline (17.06.2019). A pilot study investigating the feasibility of a drum circle intervention for people with Parkinson’s. 17th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop, Park Palace Hotel, Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
Rose, Dawn; Annett, Lucy E.; Cameron, Daniel J.; Grahn, Jessica A. & Lovatt, Peter (17.06.2019). A comparison of spontaneous motor tempo and variability when finger tapping, toe tapping and marching on the spot in people with and without Parkinson’s. 17th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop, The Park Palace Hotel, Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
Rose, Dawn; Annett, Lucy E.; Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne; Lovatt, Peter & Ott, Laurent (17.06.2019). Embodied entrainment in Parkinson’s: Let the music make you move. 17th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop, Park Palace Hotel, Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
Rose, Dawn; Annett, Lucy E.; Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne; Lovatt, Peter & Ott, Laurent (12.11.2018). Moving to the music, not to the beat: music facilitates and improves sensorimotor entrainment in individuals with Parkinson’s. Parkinson's UK Research Conference, York, United Kingdom.
Rose, Dawn; Heaton, Pam & Jones Bartoli, Alice (09.11.2018). Learning an instrument can benefit a child with learning and behavioural problems. Collaborative Approaches to Music and Wellbeing Research Conference, Leeds.
Rose, Dawn; Heaton, Pam & Jones Bartoli, Alice (23.07.2018). A study comparing two brief measures of personality to investigate whether formal-informal musical learning and gender are associated with personality traits in contemporary musicians in the UK. 15th International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition / 10th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, University of Gräz, Gräz, Austria.
Rose, Dawn; Annett, Lucy E.; Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne; Lovatt, Peter & Ott, Laurent (23.07.2018). Sensorimotor synchronization for finger tapping, toe tapping and marching to musical compared with metronome stimuli in people with and without Parkinson’s. 15th International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition / 10th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, University of Gräz, Gräz, Austria.
Rose, Dawn; Heaton, Pam & Jones Bartoli, Alice (25.06.2018). Learning a musical instrument can benefit a child with special educational needs. Musics, selves and societies: The roles of music in effecting change., University of Cambridge, United Kingdon.
Rose, Dawn; Heaton, Pam & Jones Bartoli, Alice (24.11.2017). A mixed-methods case study of primary-age children, with and without learning difficulties, learning musical instruments for the first time. Royal Society of Medicine Professionals conference on ‘Examining the utility of music interventions for children with learning disabilities’., Royal Society of Medicine, London, United Kingdom..
Rose, Dawn; Annett, Lucy E.; Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne; Lovatt, Peter & Ott, Laurent (13.09.2017). Investigating beat perception and sensorimotor synchronisation in people with and without Parkinson’s disease. 10th International Systematic Musicology Conference (SysMus17), Queen Mary University, London, United Kingdom.
Rose, Dawn (08.07.2017). Invited Guest. Symposium for Social Impact of Music Making (SIMM-posium)., Guidhall School of Music, London, United Kingdom..
Rose, Dawn; Annett, Lucy E.; Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne; Lovatt, Peter & Ott, Laurent (03.07.2017). Understanding rhythm perception, production and entrainment in relation to dance for people with Parkinson’s disease. 16th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Rose, Dawn; Annett, Lucy E. & Lovatt, Peter (13.04.2017). Understanding when and how music helps people with Parkinson’s to dance. Symposium for Timing and Rhythm (STAR), McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada..
Rose, Dawn; Heaton, Pam & Jones Bartoli, Alice (21.11.2016). Musical instrument training improves hand-eye coordination in children. Motor Behaviour and Emotion Conference, Sport Plaisir, Université de Lille.
Rose, Dawn (08.09.2016). On becoming and being a musician. International Association for the Study of Popular Music: Biennial Conference in Creativity Practice and Praxis, Brighton, UK..
Rose, Dawn (08.06.2016). On becoming and being a musician. 9th International Systematic Musicology Conference (SysMus16), University of Jyväskylä, Finland..
Rose, Dawn; Heaton, Pam & Jones Bartoli, Alice (21.10.2015). A study of cognitive, behavioural, social and emotional transfer effects associated with children learning musical instruments for the first year over one academic year. Society for Education and Music Psychology Research: Music & Health Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University.
Rose, Dawn; Heaton, Pam & Jones Bartoli, Alice (07.01.2015). Changes in the wellbeing of children starting to learn to play musical instruments. British Psychology Society (BPS) Division of Educational & Child Psychology Annual Conference., Durham, UK..
Rose, Dawn; Heaton, Pam & Jones Bartoli, Alice (07.11.2014). A study of cognitive and behavioural transfer effects associated with children learning musical instruments for the first year over one academic year. British Psychology Society (BPS) Department of Education Annual Conference, Milton Keynes, UK..
Rose, Dawn (01.03.2013). How do you feel the beat. BodyStorming, Goldsmiths, University of London.
Rose, Dawn; Lee, Christopher; Müllensiefen, Daniel & Stewart, Lauren (23.07.2012). The relationship between the human body, motor tasks, mood and musicality: How do you feel the beat? International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), Thessaloniki, Greece.