Inspired by the ongoing social and economic developments, new forms of business in the field of social entrepreneurship and activities associated with "social innovation" are gaining traction within the discipline of social work.
Social entrepreneurship is social needs-oriented, using innovative approaches to develop long-term solutions for current issues faced by individuals, society, and the environment. Social innovations address social challenges with the tools of social work including facilitating participation and involvement in society. Creative approaches engender novel forms of social programmes, services and products.
Are you interested in acquiring entrepreneurial skills as well as developing and launching your own social enterprise? Do you see needs or gaps in the social system that you wish to address with an innovative approach? Or perhaps you would like to start your own business in another professional field? Silvia Domeniconi Pfister and Eva Granwehr will be happy to provide guidance and support within the framework of Smart-up’s varied services.
Let these three video profiles of people and projects in the social sector inspire you! Are you keen to exchange ideas or network with others? Let us know and we'll be happy to put you in touch!
The Lean Canvas was created especially for the social sector. It helps you to flesh out great ideas for a social project and to answer all the key questions in a creative fashion.
Vereinsgründung oder Selbstständigkeit: Gründer:innen im Bereich der Sozialen Arbeit und Social Entrepreneurs sind nicht nur mit fachlichen Fragen konfrontiert, sondern auch mit solchen zu Finanzierung, Marketing oder Recht. Welche Rechtsform ist für das geplante Vorhaben geeignet und wie kann es finanziert und vermarktet werden? Wir unterstützen dich mit den Fachkursen «Innovation und Gründung in der Sozialen Arbeit» speziell zu diesen drei Themen. Hier erfährst du mehr darüber und kannst dich gleich anmelden.
No matter where you are with your idea, get in touch with us and together we can see how you can get ahead!
On our SA blog (only German), we regularly post articles on innovation in social work and social entrepreneurship.