Various forms of cooperation are possible in applied research and development.
The Institute of Communication and Marketing IKM conducts research and development projects on behalf of or in collaboration with companies and not-for-profit organisations. Research projects where the business partner (client) covers at least 50% of expenditure – either in the form of their own practical contributions or actual funding – have a good chance of being co-funded by the
Innosuisse - Swiss Innovation Agency.
In their project assignments and final-year theses, students analyse practical problems and develop solution proposals that are both creative and methodologically well-founded. Companies are more than welcome to submit topics for tackling by students in their theses. The University's Transfer Services can provide you with further details.
The IKM runs a number of smaller-scale home-grown research projects: the aim here is to establish an empirically supported knowledge base to contribute to specialist publications, workshops, new teaching material and services to business.
The IKM supports and promotes dissertation projects supervised by university professors. These projects serve to develop knowledge and expertise, and they provide the basis for complementary activities.