Jäger-Wyss, Melanie; Stettler, Jürg & Weber, Fabian (21.08.2024). Activation of Tourism Companies for Sustainable Development: A Typology of Motives and Approaches. International Conference on Tourism and Business (ICTB 2024), Bangkok.
Stettler, Jürg; Weber, Fabian & Jäger-Wyss, Melanie (05.06.2024). Swisstainable Destinations: Conceptual considerations and insights from pilot destinations. Advances in Destination Management Forum (ADM 2024), Lucerne.
Stettler, Jürg; Weber, Fabian & Jäger-Wyss, Melanie (27.08.2023). "Swisstainable" - a programme for the sustainable transformation of Swiss tourism: opportunities and challenges. AIEST Annual Conference 2023. Transiting towards future tourism destinations through smart and green development, Madrid.
Weber, Fabian (03.05.2023). Green marketing & communication in tourism. Green Tourism Conference, Vienna.
Eggli, Florian & Weber, Fabian (10.11.2022). The overtourism phenomenon in different destination categories. Coping with overtourism in Europe, Kleve (Germany) & Nijmegen (Netherlands).
Stettler, Jürg & Weber, Fabian (25.08.2022). Swisstainable.The sustainability programme of Swiss tourism. International Conference on Tourism and Business (ICTB), Lucerne.
Weber, Fabian (02.09.2021). Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus erfolgreich umsetzen. Partnertag Basel Tourismus, Basel.
Weber, Fabian; Eggli, Florian; Crameri, Ursina & Stettler, Jürg (27.08.2019). How much tourism is too much tourism? International Conference on Tourism and Business, Bangkok.
Weber, Fabian (30.06.2019). Innovation Generator. Ideas for Sustainable Tourism Products. BEST EN Think Tank XIX, San Francisco.
Weber, Fabian; Brandenburg, Christiane; Czachs, Christina; Jiricka-Pürrer, Alexandra; Juschten, Maria; Offenzeller, Martina; Prutsch, Andrea; Rosenberg, Barbara & Unbehaun, Wiebke (30.08.2017). Perception of the term "Sommerfrische" in times of climate change. International Conference on Tourism and Business, Lucerne.
Weber, Fabian & Amacher Hoppler, Anna (14.06.2017). CSR im alpinen Tourismus? Herausforderungen und Chancen. „Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus – 25 Jahre nach Rio, und jetzt?“, Wergenstein (GR).
Weber, Fabian & Taufer, Barbara (12.07.2016). Challenges of the development of sustainable products in tourism destinations. BEST EN Think Tank XVI: “Corporate Responsibility in Tourism - Standards, Practices and Policies”, Eberswalde.
Brazyté, Karolina; Schaffner, Dorothea & Weber, Fabian (12.01.2015). Online Reviews of Sustainably Managed Hotels: How do Customers Respond to their Efforts. 2015 International Conference on Tourism and Business, Bankok.
Weber, Fabian (21.11.2012). Bewertungsplattformen vs. Qualitätslabels. 1. Label-Tag des Schweizer Tourismus-Verbandes (STV), Luzern.
Weber, Fabian (08.11.2011). Nachhaltigkeitslabels als Hilfe, Motivation und Investition. Nachhaltig investieren in den Hotelbetrieb, Thalwil.
Weber, Fabian & Müller, Hansruedi (19.09.2007). Effects of extreme events on tourism in the alps. 3rd International Workshop on Climate, Tourism and Recreation, Alexandroupolis, Greece.
Weber, Fabian (23.05.2007). Natural hazards: Increasing challenge for tourism destinations. Simposio internacional de turismo y ocio, Barcelona.
Weber, Fabian (08.11.2005). Tourismus und alpine Naturgefahren: Wechselwirkungen und Zusammenhänge (Abstract). Acqua alta - Alpines Hochwasser 05. "Damm gegen das Vergessen", Garmisch-Patenkirchen.