In 2021, the Swisstainable program for businesses was launched, which was developed by the Institute for Tourism and Mobility at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Since 2022, it has been coordinated and further developed by the Swisstainable office at the Competence Center for Sustainability (KONA) at the Swiss Tourism Federation (STV). The Swisstainable program for tourism destinations was added in 2023.
The experience gained in the first few years, together with the results of an initial impact assessment, will serve as a basis for the further development and optimization of the programme. In addition, there are various other internal and external factors (e.g. regulations) that need to be taken into account in the future so that the program can continue to be a solid and credible partner for the industry.
The Institute for Tourism and Mobility at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is supporting the implementation and developing proposals for the further development of the sustainability program.