The Institute of Tourism and Mobility at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has developed a sustainability programme on behalf of Switzerland Tourism. The name of this programme is "Swisstainable". It has been developed in close cooperation with Switzerland Tourism and with Prof. em. Dr. Hansruedi Müller as well as with the involvement of the most important tourism associations.
The programme is aligned with Switzerland Tourism's strategy, the federal government's tourism strategy and international sustainability initiatives and programmes such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) or the criteria of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The Swisstainable programme has the following goals:
-Improve transparency for guests about activities and products in the field of sustainability.
-Support the commitment of service providers towards a comprehensive sustainable development of Swiss tourism
-Positioning Switzerland in the international travel market as a sustainable destination
The programme aims at businesses that are already certified in the area of sustainability as well as at businesses that want to become more sustainable in the future. The programme has three different levels, which are geared to the different needs of the businesses. Participating businesses are awarded three different labels depending on their commitment to sustainability.