Eggli André HSLU T&A
Senior Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Berufliche Kompetenzen
- Energienetze
- Strommarkt
- Sektorkupplung
- Regelungstechnik
ENFLATE: ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies
24_7 ZEN, Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems
Anreiz- und Flexibilitätsmodell für die Energiewende
Pathway to a Competitive European Fuel Cell micro-Cogeneration Market
Publikationen und Präsentationen
Romano, Enrique; Eggli, André & Wagner, Claas (2024). Analysing charging processes of electric vehicles to reduce grid load and emissions (Bericht).
Levon, Olena; Eggli, André & Imboden, Christoph (2024). A Case Study for Unveiling Flexibility Options in achieving Swiss National Energy Goals (Bericht).
Eggli, André; Rolland, Sébastien; Imboden, Christoph & Orifici, Davide (2024). Market-based procurement of grid-friendly flexibility – the ENFLATE project (Bericht).
Bowler, Benjamin; Eggli, André; Imboden, Christoph; Kunz, Marco & Mbavarira, Tanaka Mandy (2021). PACE Report: Economic value of mCHP’s participating in power and grid service markets (Bericht). FCH JU, Brussel.
Publikationen und Präsentationen - Artikel, Rezension; peer reviewed
Sidqi, Yousra; Hermann, Melanie; Hegner, Lukas & Eggli, André (2023). Peer-to-Peer Trading in Local Energy Communities for RES Uptake: A Socio-Economic Study. 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Proceedings,
Eggli, André (2020). Stability Analysis and Design of Local Control Schemes in Active Distribution Grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 1. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3026448
Publikationen und Präsentationen - Bericht/Working Paper
Romano, Enrique; Eggli, André & Wagner, Claas (2024). Analysing charging processes of electric vehicles to reduce grid load and emissions (Bericht).
Levon, Olena; Eggli, André & Imboden, Christoph (2024). A Case Study for Unveiling Flexibility Options in achieving Swiss National Energy Goals (Bericht).
Eggli, André; Rolland, Sébastien; Imboden, Christoph & Orifici, Davide (2024). Market-based procurement of grid-friendly flexibility – the ENFLATE project (Bericht).
Bowler, Benjamin; Eggli, André; Imboden, Christoph; Kunz, Marco & Mbavarira, Tanaka Mandy (2021). PACE Report: Economic value of mCHP’s participating in power and grid service markets (Bericht). FCH JU, Brussel.
Publikationen und Präsentationen - Präsentation (Tagungsbeitrag/Referat/Vortrag)
Woll, Oliver & Eggli, André (20.03.2024). Lokaler Handel von Energie –Was bringt die Zukunft? NetzImpuls 2024: Viele Wege, um Flexibilitäten ins Netz zu bringen, Kultur- und Kongresshaus, Aarau.
Woll, Oliver; Kunz, Marco & Eggli, André (05.05.2023). Comparison of CO2 optimised energy systems for a residential building in Germany. ENERDAY, Dresden.