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Boulila Stefanie Claudine HSLU SA
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Raum 242 Werftestrasse 1 Postfach 6002 Luzern
+41 41 367 48 17
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Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (RESIST)
Rassismuskritische Lehre im Bachelor Soziale Arbeit
Understanding the perception of fear of crime and harassment on Swiss public trains
Vergleichender Bericht zur Gesundheit von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen und trans Personen: Zusatzbefragung und Datenanalyse
Capacity Building for Rainbow Families in Switzerland and Beyond
Gleichstellungsbericht Kanton Luzern
Jeunesse ! Ton avis nous intéresse
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2019). Race in Post-racial Europe: An Intersectional Analysis. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine; Marienfeld, Antonia & Wellner, Fabienne (22.10.2024). Post-homophobic imaginaries amongst the far-right in Germany and Switzerland. Identities Global Studies in Culture and Power,
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine & Browne, Kath (2023). Special Issue: Heteroactivism, Homonationalism and National Projects. ACME : An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 22(3),
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (03.06.2020). Envisioning the Past to Rule the Future: Post-imaginaries and European Existence. EuropeNow, (34), 1-10.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2019). Straight(ening) Salsa? The heterosexual matrix, romance and disciplinary spaces. Leisure Studies, (Special Issue: Dance, Movement, and Leisure Cultures), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/02614367.2019.1703139
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2019). Race and Racial Denial in Switzerland. Ethnic and racial studies: ERS, 42(9), 1401-1418.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2018). Salsa Cosmopolitanism? Consuming Racialised Difference in the European Social Dance Industry. Leisure Studies, 37(3), 243-255.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine & Carri, Christiane (2017). On Cologne: Gender, Migration and unacknowledged Racisms in Germany. European Journal of Women’s Studies Vol. 24 No. 3, 2017, 286-293.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2013). “Insignificant Signification: a Feminist Critique of the Anti-Muslim Feminist. Jahrbuch für Islamophobieforschung 2013, 88-103.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine & Carri, Christiane (2022). Cartographie des familles arc-en-ciel en Valais. REISO Révue d'information sociale,
Dos Santos Pinto, Jovita & Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (23.06.2020). Was Black Lives Matter für die Schweiz bedeutet. Republik, 1-4.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (19.02.2020). Swiss Anti-homophobia Law Distracts from Persisting Inequalities. openDemocracy, 1.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2020). Racism Postrace ed. by Roopali Mukherjee, Sarah Banet-Weiser, and Herman Gray (review). German Studies Review (via ProQuest), 43(2), 450-452.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine & Carri, Christiane (2020). Gemeinsam mit Regenbogenfamilien Forschen. SozialAktuell, Die Fachzeitschrift für Soziale Arbeit, (11), 16-17.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2018). Book Review [Besprechung des Buchs de Jong, Sara (2017). Complicit Sisters. Gender and Women’s Issues across North-South Divides. Oxford: Oxford University Press.]. Women's Studies International Forum, 70(September–October), 120.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2013). Book Review [Besprechung des Buchs Dodds, Sherril (2012). Dancing on the Canon. Embodiments of Value in Popular. London: Palgrave Macmillan]. Journal of Dance Education, 14(1), 84.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2021). Ist Diversity Anti-Rassistisch? Ein Kritischer Kommentar zum Verhältnis von Diversity Politics und den Politics of Diversity aus der Perspektive der Race Critical Theory. In Serena Dankwa; Sarah-Mee Filep; Ulla Klingovsky; Georges Pfründer (Hrsg.), In: Bildung.Macht.Diversität. Critical Diversity Literacy im Hochschulraum (S. 79-90). Bielefeld: Transcript.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2015). What Makes a Lesbian Salsa Space Comfortable? Reconceptualising Safety and Homophobia. In Kath Browne; Eduarda Ferreira (Hrsg.), Lesbian Geographies: Gender Place and Power (S. 133-152). Oxon: Routledge (Taylor & Francis).
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2024). Fallstudie Deutschland: Effekte von Anti-Gender Mobilisierungen und Widerstände dagegen. (Bericht).
RESIST Project, Research Collective & Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2024). The RESIST Project Report Effects of, and Resistances to ‘Anti-Gender’ Mobilisations Across Europe: A Report on Nine Case Studies (Bericht).
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine; Carri, Christiane & Forschungskollektiv, #RainbowFamiliesVS (2022). Regenbogenfamilien im Wallis: Eine interaktive Karte (Deutsch/Französisch) (Bericht).
Abbas, Marina; Fuchs, Gesine; Boulila, Stefanie Claudine; Koschmieder, Nikola & Lanfranconi, Lucia (2021). Gleichstellungsbericht LU: Wissenschaftlicher Grundlagenbericht über die Gleichstellung im Kanton Luzern (Bericht). Hochschule Luzern, Luzern.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine & Motsi-Khatai, Wadzanai (2021). Factsheet: Race in Germany and Europe (Bericht). Center for Intersectional Justice, Berlin.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2020). Advancing Liveable Lives for Lesbians in Europe – Intersectional Challenges and Future Policy- Making (Bericht). German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Berlin.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine; Cheung, Jess & Lehotai, Orsolya (2019). Professional Challenges faced by Early Career Researchers in European Gender and Women's Studies (Bericht). ATGENDER, Utrecht.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (2016). Dancing Salsa in Post-thinking Europe: Gender and Sexuality Discourses Among Salsa Dancers in Switzerland and England. Dissertation, University of Leeds, UK.
Boulila, Stefanie Claudine (03.09.2021). Emma Goldman Award 2021 für Innovative research and knowledge on feminist and inequality issues in Europe.