Lipenkova, Janna; Lu, Guang; Perruchoud, Daniel & Susie, Xi Rao (10.06.2024). Next-Gen Cleantech Solutions: Mining Insights from Media and Patent Data with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs). Swiss Text Analytics Conference 2024, Chur.
Aleksandra, Zal Paulina; Lu, Guang & Gu, Nianlong (10.06.2024). Sentiment-and Keyword-Controllable Text Generation in German with Pre-trained Language Models. Swiss Text Analytics Conference 2024, Chur.
Lipenkova, Janna; Lu, Guang; Perruchoud, Daniel & Susie, Xi Rao (30.05.2024). Next-Gen Cleantech Solutions: Mining Insights from Media and Patent Data with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs). Swiss Data Science Conference 2024, Zurich.
Lu, Guang; Biallas, Martin; Moist, Richard & Stieger, Mirjam (31.01.2024). Developing Emotional Support Chatbots for Elder Care: Opportunities and Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models (LLMs). Research Symposium Health Lucerne, Lucerne.
Lu, Guang; Bendel Larcher, Sylvia & Tran, Tu (05.10.2023). HYBRID LONG DOCUMENT SUMMARIZATION USING C2F-FAR AND CHATGPT: A PRACTICAL STUDY. International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence AICONF’23, Online.
Biallas, Martin; Lu, Guang; Stieger, Mirjam; Moist, Richard & Paice, Andrew (30.08.2023). Exploring the Potential of Conversational Interfaces for Care of Older Adults: Insights from Stakeholder Workshops. The 17h International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE), Paris.
Westermann, Lukas; Eberle, Patric & Lu, Guang (21.06.2023). Plug-and-play Text-based Emotion Recognition for Chatbots as Virtual Companions for Older People. The Eleventh international workshop on e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services e-HPWAS'23, Online.
Lu, Guang; Bendel Larcher, Sylvia & Tran, Tu (12.06.2023). Hybrid Long Document Summarization using C2F-FAR and ChatGPT: A Practical Study. Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText) 2023, Neuchâtel.
Seyr, Sarah; Gächter, Ingo; Mohr, Seraina; Georgi, Dominik & Lu, Guang (23.05.2023). What’s your excuse? Cognitive dissonance and justifications for non-sustainable behaviour. EMAC 2023 Annual Conference, Odense/Denmark.
Lu, Guang (20.02.2023). Natural Language Processing for Corporate Culture Assessment: Lessons Learned for Building a Strong Employee Value Proposition with GPTW Switzerland AG. ICICT 2023: 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, London, UK.
Lu, Guang; Biallas, Martin; Stieger, Mirjam; Moist, Richard & Kohler, Simon (31.01.2023). Let me help you: German-language chatbot system for emotional support of older people in the fight against loneliness. Forschungssymposium Gesundheit Luzern, Lucerne.
Lu, Guang; Biallas, Martin; Stieger, Mirjam & Moist, Richard (31.01.2023). Let me help you: German-language chatbot system for emotional support of older people in the fight against loneliness. Research Symposium Health Lucerne, Lucerne.
Etheridge, Tracey; Lipenkova, Janna & Lu, Guang (30.11.2022). Distilling Business Value from COVID 19 Public Media Dataset with Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph (ICKG 2022), Orlando, USA.
Lu, Guang (30.11.2022). Agenda-Setting for COVID-19: A Study of Large-Scale Economic News Coverage Using Natural Language Processing. AI Breakfast, Lucerne.
Wozniak, Thomas; Stieger, Mirjam; Schaffner, Dorothea; Schu, Matthias & Lu, Guang (26.06.2022). Algorithmic Nudging for Sustainability in E-Commerce: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda. 35th Bled eConference, Bled (online).
Griesser, Simone & Lu, Guang (22.06.2022). Exploring owner-based brand personality on Facebook and LinkedIn with Natural-Language-Processing (NLP). 2022 9th Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS), Lucerne.
Bachmann, Philipp; Bettels-Schwabbauer, Tina; Labova, Sandra & Lu, Guang (21.04.2022). Die Informationsangebote auf YouTube zur COVID-19-Pandemie: Welche Rolle spielen wissenschaftliche Akteure. SGKM Jahrestagung, Zurich.
Lu, Guang; Dollfus, Christian & Wozniak, Thomas (09.06.2021). Corporate Culture Explained by Mission and Vision Statements Using Natural Language Processing. 2021 8th Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS), Luzern, Switzerland.
Lu, Guang; Businger, Martin & Fleck, Matthes (20.04.2021). Pandemic Under the Magnifying Glass: An Assessment of COVID-19-Related Media Articles from an Economic Perspective Using State-of-the-Art Natural Language Processing Techniques. Pandemic Perspectives 2021: Reflections on the Post-Covid World, London.
Lu, Guang; Moist, Richard & Gächter, Ingo (25.02.2021). Chatbot-Based Digital Mental Health Care for Older People - An Intelligent and Humanized Conversational Agent Driven by Artificial Intelligence. 6th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, London, UK.
Caviezel, Andrin; Sanchez, M.A.; Lu, Guang; Christen, M.; Bartelt, Perry; Wendeler, C. & Lanter, A. (04.11.2020). Full Scale Testing of Rockfall Nets under Realistic Conditions. ISRM International Symposium-EUROCK 2020, online.
Dollfus, Christian & Lu, Guang (26.06.2020). Intelligent Branding for Less Well-Known Enterprises by Matching Culture Values of Employers and Candidates. 2020 7th Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS), Lucerne.