-> To the module offer 2025
In the +Colabor modules, students work on specific topics and broaden their horizons in terms of design, methods and experience by exchange across disciplinary boundaries. They are supported by an interdisciplinary, international team of lecturers.
Twice during their studies, students choose from a wide range of 25 modules. This is continuously developed and ranges from painting to virtual reality, from creative coding to performative material and gender as a tool. The resulting works and processes will be made accessible at the end as part of a public festival.
The +Colabor modules are accompanied by the Salon Colabor, in which internationally renowned artists, designers and film-makers will provide insights into their work. +Colabor aims to be a field of experimentation and a laboratory, making the influences and themes of the university visible in a concrete context and bringing students, lecturers and creatives together in new contexts.