Consumer behaviour
The success of companies and organisations depends on their customers’ behaviour, on the extent to which they respond to the services offered, on the ways in which they process messages and on how external factors influence their behaviour. What is more, consumer behaviour is constantly shifting under the influence of new communication channels and new services on the market. It is therefore vital for companies and organisations to understand consumer behaviour and to draw conclusions from it.
At the IKM, experts not only explore questions around consumer behaviour, but they also share their insights in the framework of education and continuing education programmes and use them in applied research projects.
Sustainable consumer behaviour
Sustainability has become an important factor for consumer behaviour. Increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, customers are trying to act more sustainably and expect companies and organisations to follow suit by, for instance, putting sustainable product innovations on the market. Bridging the so-called attitude-behaviour gap is an interesting challenge in this context: despite striving to act more sustainably, people often do not change their day-to-day behaviour in ways that reflects this.
Our experts investigate how sustainable behaviour can be influenced and measured and derive implications for companies and organisations from their findings.
Sharing economy and "sharing smart cities"
Both domestically and globally, the sharing economy and its business models are a growth area. Allowing for a more efficient use of resources, sharing has great sustainability potential.
In our studies and applied research projects, we aim to identify success factors for sharing economy platforms. Within the research area "Sharing Smart City", we collaborate with Swiss cities and fellow researchers around the globe to develop a vision for urban sharing strategies and for the shared city life of the future.
Learn sustainable consumer behaviour in our practical continuing education programmes and help to shape an environmentally conscious future.
Discover our continuing and executive education programmes.