Leadership in expert organisations is therefore a demanding and challenging task. It takes senior managers with the ability to self-reflect and to handle multi-rationality, complexity, ambiguity and conflict and who are willing to establish and cultivate constructive and successful leadership relations in a dynamic organisational context. Against this background, context appropriate HR management and leadership approaches must be found to effectively support expert leaders in their leadership, personnel and organisation development efforts.
Edited volume «Management of Experts»
The publication discusses best practices for the management of specialists and experts in consideration of challenges including multi-rationality, digitalisation and economisation. It is intended for CEOs, senior managers, HR and OD officers as well as researchers in the field of organisation and management.
Employing the New Generation
The project, which is co-funded by innosuisse, analysed and compared what the highly sought-after generation Y and Z STEM specialists expect of their professional development. In collaboration with a number of practice partners (Swiss Post, Comet AG, AvenirGroup, DETEC) the HSLU developed approaches for target group-specific personnel recruitment, management and retention.