Andrea Mangold, Angelo Gattlen, Timon Kronenberger (Students, MSc in Banking and Finance 2021)
What did you find out in your research paper?
The share of Swiss capital in listed Swiss companies increased slightly from 68% to 71% between 2018 and 2022. Investors from the USA hold the highest foreign share by a wide margin. The US investment company BlackRock is invested in 35 of the 47 SMI Expanded companies analyzed, making it the largest institutional investor in listed Swiss companies.
Why are your findings relevant?
The participation of foreign investors in Swiss companies repeatedly leads to discussions and sometimes criticism in public and politics. We could provide figures on this topic through our analysis based on an older study.
How does a term paper become a publication in a peer-reviewed journal?
We reduced the paper's scope significantly to attract a journal's interest. Focusing on key findings is critical. Our article was published in the journal Die Volkswirtschaft. Thus, it was also still translated into several languages. Moreover, our supervisor, Prof. Dr. Yvonne Seiler Zimmermann, encouraged us to consider publishing an article.
How did you experience the peer review process?
We have learned a lot, and looking at our work from a different perspective was exciting.
What did your education in the MSc in Banking and Finance contribute to the publication?
The programme gave us the statistical knowledge to analyze data and write a scientific paper. The term paper allowed us to study a topic in depth.
What did you learn from writing a term paper for your professional future?
In addition to the newly acquired methodological skills, we have learnt to collaborate as a team and improve our research by exchanging ideas. Moreover, we developed a more scientific writing style and how to structure a task.