Michael Stiebe
Stiebe Michael HSLU W
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- 2024 M.A. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Hochschulpädagogik), Malmö University, Sweden
- 2023 M.Sc. Education and Sustainability, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2022 M.Sc. Sustainability Science, University of Gävle, Sweden
- 2021 M.A. Digital Humanities, Linnæus University, Växjö/Kalmar, Sweden
- 2019 M.Sc. Computer and Systems Sciences (Specialization: Risk Analysis and Decision Support), Stockholm University, Sweden
- 2019 M.Sc. International Service Management, University of Stavanger, Norway
- 2017 B.Sc. Tourism Studies, Dalarna University Borlänge/Falun, Sweden
- 2013 Abitur, Gymnasium “Am Thie”, Blankenburg/Harz, Germany
Studies Abroad:
- University of Wollongong, Australia (2018)
- University of Stavanger, Norway (2016)
- Hólar University, Iceland (2015)
- Cascade High School, Everett, Washington, USA (2009/2010)
Work (* = current)
- *01/2023 - … Main Church Musician/Organist, Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Nidwalden
- *09/2022 - … Research Associate, Institute of Tourism and Mobility, Competence Center Mobility, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)
- 07/2022 - 12/2022 Organist/Church Musician, Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Nidwalden
- 06/2022 Mobility Project Manager, Municipality of Horw (LU)
- 04/2022 - 06/2022 Freelance Organist/Church Musician, Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Nidwalden
- 04/2020 - 05/2022 Research Associate, Research Group Sustainable Mobility, Institute of Sustainable Development, School of Engineering (SoE), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Winterthur
- 2009 - 2020 Freelance Organist/Church Musician, Evangelisch-lutherische Landeskirche in Braunschweig LKBS
Other Activities
- Private Pilot
- Pianist/Organist
Berufliche Kompetenzen
Risk Analysis and Management
Decision Support and Decision Modeling
Social Media Data Mining
Empirical Social Research
Environmental Assessment
Business Process Modeling
Python scripting
Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
Nachhaltigkeit / Sustainability
Nachhaltige Mobilität
Sustainable Aviation
Sociotechnical Transitions
Policy and Innovation
Digital Research Methods
Untersuchung der Potenziale von E-Bike-Sharing-Systemen für nachhaltige Mobilität in verschiedenen Raumtypen
Evaluation Speed-Setting Pick-e-Bike
Vorabklärungsstudie zur Etablierung eines schweizweiten Schnellladenetzwerks für Elektroflugzeuge
Wettbewerb nachhaltige Mobilität
Einfluss von Mobilitätskonzepten auf Mobilitätsverhalten und Verkehrsnachfrage
Tourismus Forum Schweiz (TFS)
Marktstudie volunt.aero: CO2-Rechner für die Allgemeine Luftfahrt
Massnahmen zur Erhöhung des öV-An-teils an der Gesamtmobilität
E-Bike-Sharing Systeme: Analyse des Nutzungsverhaltens und deren Wechselwirkungen mit dem öffentlichen Verkehrssystem
Publikationen und Präsentationen
Stiebe, Michael (2024). Disorienting or Disoriented? - Transformative Learning in Sustainable Development-Centered University Degree Programs (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). University of Malmö / Faculty of Education and Society / Center for Teaching and Learning, Schweden.
Stiebe, Michael (2023). Flying under the radar? Education for sustainable development in private pilot training (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Göteborgs Universitet, Schweden.
Stiebe, Michael (2022). Come Fly with Me (Sustainably) Pathways to Sustainable General Aviation and Private Pilot Training (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden.
Stiebe, Michael (2021). #sustainabletransport: A FAIR Cross-Platform Social Media Analysis Approach to Sociotechnical Sustainable Transport Research (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Linnéuniversitetet, Schweden.
Stiebe, Michael (2019). The Transnationalization and Commodification of Care Labor: A Comparative Study on Contemporary Issues in Au Pair Tourism in Norway and Australia with a Strong Focus on Employment Legislation (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Universitetet i Stavanger, Norwegen.
Stiebe, Michael (2019). The European Diesel Crisis: An In-Depth Study on Perceived Urban Mobility Risks and Decisions of Diesel Passenger Car Users (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Stockholms Universitet, Schweden.
Stiebe, Michael (28.01.2025). Charging the Future: Fast-Charging Networks at Swiss Airfields to Promote Electric General Aviation. Towards Sustainable Aviation Summit 2025, Toulouse.
Stiebe, Michael (19.09.2024). Disorienting or Disoriented? Transformative Learning Experiences in Sustainable Development-Centered University Degree Programs: Empirical Insights from Swedish Universities. International Conference on Sustainable Development ICSD 2024, New York, NY | Hybrid.
Stiebe, Michael & Niederhäuser, Matthias (17.09.2024). Navigating Green Skies: The Impact of Digital Innovations on General Aviation's Environmental Journey. European Transport Conference 2024, Antwerpen.
Stiebe, Michael & von Arx, Widar (17.09.2024). Comparative Analysis of User Characteristics and Use Patterns in Free-Floating and Station-Based E-Bike Sharing Systems – Empirical Insights from the Basel Metropolitan Area. European Transport Conference 2024, Antwerpen.
Stiebe, Michael (04.07.2023). Obstacles and pathways to sustainable general aviation: empirical evidence from a Swiss socio-technical mixed-methods study. Surrey 2023 - Bringing Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events Back for Good, University of Surey, Guildford.
Stiebe, Michael (04.07.2023). Obstacles and Pathways to Sustainable General Aviation:Empirical Evidence from a Swiss Socio-Technical Mixed-Methods Study. Surrey 2023 - Bringing Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events Back for Good, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K..
Stiebe, Michael (04.07.2023). Every Molecule (of CO2) Counts: General Aviation Pilots’ Acceptance of a New Automatic Digital Pilot Logbook-Based Carbon Emissions Calculator with Carbon Offsetting Functionality. Surrey 2023 - Bringing Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events Back for Good, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K..
Stiebe, Michael (09.09.2022). #SUSTAINABLETRANSPORT - Social Big Data Mining for the Sustainable Mobility and Transport Transition: Findings from a Large-Scale Cross-Platform Analysis. European Transport Conference 2022, Politecnico Milano, Mailand, IT.
Stiebe, Michael (08.09.2022). Come Fly with Me (Sustainably) – Pathways to Sustainability in General Aviation: Empirical Findings from a Mixed-Methods Study on Recreational General Aviation. European Transport Conference 2022, Politecnico Milano, Mailand, IT.
Stiebe, Michael (13.09.2021). Has the Covid-19 pandemic caused people to commute less sustainably? Evidence from Switzerland based on two employee travel surveys. European Transport Conference 2021, Online (due to Covid-19).
Publikationen und Präsentationen - Artikel, Rezension; peer reviewed
Stiebe, Michael (21.02.2025). Accelerating Sustainable Electric General Aviation with Fast-Charging Networks at Regional Airfields: Opportunities and Challenges. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 16(118), doi: 10.3390/wevj16030118
Stiebe, Michael (22.05.2024). Social big data mining for the sustainable mobility and transport transition: findings from a large-scale cross-platform analysis. European Transport Research Review, 2024, 1-15. doi: 10.1186/s12544-024-00651-3
Stiebe, Michael (2023). Stakeholder Perceptions on Sustainability Challenges and Innovations in General Aviation. Sustainability, 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su152316505
Publikationen und Präsentationen - Hochschulschrift (Bachelor/Master/Dissertation/Habilitation)
Stiebe, Michael (2024). Disorienting or Disoriented? - Transformative Learning in Sustainable Development-Centered University Degree Programs (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). University of Malmö / Faculty of Education and Society / Center for Teaching and Learning, Schweden.
Stiebe, Michael (2023). Flying under the radar? Education for sustainable development in private pilot training (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Göteborgs Universitet, Schweden.
Stiebe, Michael (2022). Come Fly with Me (Sustainably) Pathways to Sustainable General Aviation and Private Pilot Training (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden.
Stiebe, Michael (2021). #sustainabletransport: A FAIR Cross-Platform Social Media Analysis Approach to Sociotechnical Sustainable Transport Research (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Linnéuniversitetet, Schweden.
Stiebe, Michael (2019). The Transnationalization and Commodification of Care Labor: A Comparative Study on Contemporary Issues in Au Pair Tourism in Norway and Australia with a Strong Focus on Employment Legislation (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Universitetet i Stavanger, Norwegen.
Stiebe, Michael (2019). The European Diesel Crisis: An In-Depth Study on Perceived Urban Mobility Risks and Decisions of Diesel Passenger Car Users (nicht veröffentlichte Master-/Lizentiats-/Diplomarbeit). Stockholms Universitet, Schweden.
Publikationen und Präsentationen - Präsentation (Tagungsbeitrag/Referat/Vortrag)
Stiebe, Michael (28.01.2025). Charging the Future: Fast-Charging Networks at Swiss Airfields to Promote Electric General Aviation. Towards Sustainable Aviation Summit 2025, Toulouse.
Stiebe, Michael (19.09.2024). Disorienting or Disoriented? Transformative Learning Experiences in Sustainable Development-Centered University Degree Programs: Empirical Insights from Swedish Universities. International Conference on Sustainable Development ICSD 2024, New York, NY | Hybrid.
Stiebe, Michael & Niederhäuser, Matthias (17.09.2024). Navigating Green Skies: The Impact of Digital Innovations on General Aviation's Environmental Journey. European Transport Conference 2024, Antwerpen.
Stiebe, Michael & von Arx, Widar (17.09.2024). Comparative Analysis of User Characteristics and Use Patterns in Free-Floating and Station-Based E-Bike Sharing Systems – Empirical Insights from the Basel Metropolitan Area. European Transport Conference 2024, Antwerpen.
Stiebe, Michael (04.07.2023). Obstacles and pathways to sustainable general aviation: empirical evidence from a Swiss socio-technical mixed-methods study. Surrey 2023 - Bringing Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events Back for Good, University of Surey, Guildford.
Stiebe, Michael (04.07.2023). Obstacles and Pathways to Sustainable General Aviation:Empirical Evidence from a Swiss Socio-Technical Mixed-Methods Study. Surrey 2023 - Bringing Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events Back for Good, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K..
Stiebe, Michael (04.07.2023). Every Molecule (of CO2) Counts: General Aviation Pilots’ Acceptance of a New Automatic Digital Pilot Logbook-Based Carbon Emissions Calculator with Carbon Offsetting Functionality. Surrey 2023 - Bringing Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events Back for Good, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K..
Stiebe, Michael (09.09.2022). #SUSTAINABLETRANSPORT - Social Big Data Mining for the Sustainable Mobility and Transport Transition: Findings from a Large-Scale Cross-Platform Analysis. European Transport Conference 2022, Politecnico Milano, Mailand, IT.
Stiebe, Michael (08.09.2022). Come Fly with Me (Sustainably) – Pathways to Sustainability in General Aviation: Empirical Findings from a Mixed-Methods Study on Recreational General Aviation. European Transport Conference 2022, Politecnico Milano, Mailand, IT.
Stiebe, Michael (13.09.2021). Has the Covid-19 pandemic caused people to commute less sustainably? Evidence from Switzerland based on two employee travel surveys. European Transport Conference 2021, Online (due to Covid-19).