Dozent, Co-Leitung MA Eco-Social Design
Dozent, Co-Leitung MA Service Design
Dozent, Leiter Forschungsgruppe Visual Narrative
Leitung MA Design
Co-Leitung MA Service Design
Leitung MA Digital Ideation
Dozent, Studiengangsleiter Master of Arts in Design
Dozentin, Co-Leiterin MA Eco-Social Design
Dozent, Leiter BA Spatial Design
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Doktorandin HSLU
Künstlerische Assistenz
Projektmodul, Mentoring MA-Projekt Thesis
Kernmodul Digital Ideation
Mentoring MA Werkschau
Fokusmodul, Socio-spatial development and participation, Projektmodul, Mentoring MA-Design Thesis
Fokusmodul, Accessibility and inclusion beyond feel-good activities, Projektmodul, Mentoring MA-Design Thesis
Fokusmodul, Public Design
Fokusmodul, Design & Ethics 1 & 2
Fokusmodul, Drawing practice – from 3D to 2D
Fokusmodul, Designing for love
Supervisor MA-Research Thesis
Fokusmodul, Data Visualization – Visualizing complexity with Excel, pen and paper
Fokusmodul, Right to Repair
Fokusmodul, Product > Prototype > Probe
Fokusmodul, On Spatial Computing
Fokusmodul, InclusionXDesign, Projektmodul, Mentoring MA-Design Thesis
Projektmodul, Mentoring Werkschau; Fokusmodul, Scenography in Presentations
Fokusmodul, Design Endings And Applying It To AI
Projektmodul, Mentoring MA-Design Thesis
Research Perspectives Modul
Prototypingmodul 1+2
External Evaluator MA-Design Thesis
Fokusmodul, Design for systems change
Passarelle, Kernmodul Digital Ideation
Prototypingmodul 3
Fokusmodul, Setting Up Camp
Fokusmodul, Design to Transform
Focusmodule, The experience sandbox, Network+Module
Fokusmodul, Can you tell me how to get to Kardashev Street?
Supervisor MA-Research Thesis, Research Perspectives Modul
Fokusmodul, Life Cycle Assessments in Design
Fokusmodul, Design with and for More-Than-Human-Worlds
Fokusmodul, Visual storytelling– Combining visuals and narrative structures to engage your audience
Fokusmodul, Strategy prototyping for the planet
Fokusmodul, Data Literacy For Designers
Fokusmodul, Creative machines? – From theory to real-world applications, Projektmodul, Mentoring MA- Design Thesis, Network+Module