DISCO | Developing Innovative Sustainable Cooperation Opportunities is a project funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to strengthen the innovation capacity of European higher education institutions (HEIs) through shared learning, cooperation and flow of knowledge.
It is coordinated by the Cracrow University of Economics (Poland) and gathers as partners the Liviv Polytechnic National University (Ucraine), the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Switzerland) the non-+rofit organosation European Centre for Women and Technology (Norway) and the SME SHINE 2Europe (Portugal), representing the broader innovation ecosystem.
DISCO will boost the development of innovation and entrepreneurship skills, through student training, advisory and coaching support for start-ups and scale-ups, as well as structured capacity-building among scientific and non-scientific staff of participating HEIs. The project will achieve its aims by designing and creating new forms of cooperation and experimentation through innovation labs, an observatory and the development of a common massive open online course, all with a view to supporting the development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindsets across the EU, training and mentoring around 1200 people.