The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum was launched by the Directorate-General Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) of the European Commission, with support from the European Parliament.
The Observatory and Forum will:
- Identify relevant existing blockchain initiatives, monitor and analyse blockchain developments and trends, as well as the potential implications in terms of risks and opportunities for Europe;
- Produce and share knowledge and a more in-depth understanding of opportunities and issues at stake of blockchain technologies;
- Create an attractive and transparent forum, bringing together Europe's best stakeholders, practitioners and experts to facilitate experience sharing and reflections, animate / lead debate and engage with blockchain technologists, innovators, citizens, industry stakeholders, public authorities, regulators and supervisors.
The aims are to:
- Accelerate blockchain innovation and ecosystem development in Europe;
- Enable citizens to benefit from the technology’s socioeconomic potential;
- Take advantage of blockchain technology to foster digital single markets, where appropriate.
HSLU is one of three academic partners alongside University of Southampton and The Knowledge Media Institute at Open University.