We use data daily to inform ourselves and share personal content and expertise with others around the world. But what are the consequences, who do they affect, and how can we manage them intelligently?
During an exciting and intensive week, participants looked closely at future possibilities of real, theoretical, and virtual data uses and studied the options of applying them as a meaningful resource.
Four teams of students tackled the challenges provided by external and internal clients:
- How can we add value for our customers and obtain more usage data in exchange? About the use of mobile phones / smartphones. Reflections from an ethical perspective (Swisscom, Switzerland)
- Sharing lies / hypotheses: Does the sharing economy increase sustainability? (Lucerne School of Business)
- We want to better understand user-generated data and the purchase decision concerning a product / service / brand. Which factors play the main role and which ones are still missing? (VERITANDO, Germany)
- You are an artificial intelligence and smarter than any human being. How do you shape your "life"? (CreaLab of the Future)
The conference was divided into two parts, and the results were initially presented and discussed in the form of a cinema evening. The films shown during the first part were then summarised at an open conference during the second part, and clients and participants further developed the ideas during short workshops.
All the results will be made available on a website and in a workshop booklet in 2107.