Seasonal energy storages can play a key role in the energy turnaround and especially in the energy strategy 2050 which is approved by the Swiss federal government. Currently, building projects of seasonal energy storages always have a research nature and the construction costs are consequently too high. To drive the technology forward in Switzerland and to reach market maturity in future, the CCTES is willing to work intensively on this topic.
In the course of this, the innovation platform SENSAI was founded (Sensible Saisonale Wärme-/Kältespeicherung). The platform promotes an active cooperation between industry and scientific institutions through regular meetings and offers a lively transfer of knowledge and exchange of experience on the subject seasonal heat storages. The focus is in particular on the realization of innovative and practical concepts. Therefore pilot- and development projects with various research issues together with industrial partners and the Hochschule Luzern respectively further scientific institutions are launched.