As disciplines, both the history of art and art criticism are faced with the growing complexity of their subject. This makes delineating and defining it properly increasingly challenging. Using Renzo Martens’ Institute for Human Activities (IHA) as a case in point, the dissertation inquires to what extent contemporary artistic practices can be discussed as complex phenomena without undue focus on a predominant theme and without introducing constricting categorisations. How can contradictions intrinsic to the work be included in its analysis without resolving them? This dissertation develops a transdisciplinary methodology grounded in cultural science which it then uses to analyse Renzo Martens’ IHA from the point of view of art itself. The approach is therefore not predetermined by a specific theoretical perspective or question; the work of art becomes itself the interlocutor. Following a theoretical rather than empirical approach, the dissertation is interested in how the art project presents itself, what it represents, and what the discourse around the project is.
Doctorate awarded by the HafenCity University Hamburg. Primary supervisor: Prof Gesa Ziemer PhD of the HafenCity University Hamburg, co-supervisor: Prof Rachel Mader PhD of the Lucerne School of Design, Film and Art.
Key words: Art theory, art industry, representation, post-colonial perspectives, economies in art, participation
Siri Peyer, Die Regeln der Kunst – Let’s Change the Rules! Die Etablierung einer neuen ökonomischen Wertschöpfungskette in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, in: Nina Bandi u.a. (Hg.), What can art do?, Zürich: Diaphanes, 2020, 97–106.
Peyer, Siri, Critical Curriculum. Ein emanzipatorisches Werkzeug für ein Post-Plantagen-System?, in: Nummer 9. Artistic Education, 2019, 72–74.
Siri Peyer, Die Kluft zwischen diskursiver Behauptung und den konkreten Bedingungen der Umsetzung. Renzo Martens‘ Institute for Human Activities und dessen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Cercle d’art des travailleurs de plantation congolaise, in: Marcel Bleuler und Anita Moser (Hg.), ent/grenzen. Künstlerische und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Grenzräume, Migration und Ungleichheit, Bielefeld: Transcript 2018, 157–170.