Breadcrumbs Lucerne School of Design, Film and Art News Events Fumetto: Comic Artists in Conversation Fumetto: Comic Artists in Conversation 3 Talks mit Illustrations-Künstler:innen, präsentiert vom Bachelor Illustration. SAT 12 April 2025 from14:00 CET place of event Maskenliebhabersaal Süesswinkel 7 6004 Luzern Show on Google Maps Share As part of the Fumetto Comic Festival 2025, the Bachelor of Illustration at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts will be presenting three talks with well-known illustration artists on Saturday, 12 April 2025. Programme 14:00: "Sunday on a Friday" Presentation and talk with Olivier Schrauwen (BEL) Moderation: Pierre Thomé (HSLU) Language: English 15:00: "Mouse in Residence" Comic reading and discussion with Anna Haifisch (‘The Artist’, D) Moderation: Anette Gehrig (Cartoonmuseum Basel) Language: German 16:30: "Comics as a research tool: the transformation of facts into narratives" Comic reading and discussion with Ulli Lust (‘Die Frau als Mensch’, D) Moderation: Judith Vanistendael (Comicartist, BEL) Language: German