A high-quality Baukultur (culture of building) strengthens residential identity and residential marketing: it shapes the environment around us in a way that allows us to perceive it as an entity. Individual buildings form a town which, in turn, is part of a larger landscape. Residents and non-residents alike, scan this structure for elements that signal identity. The incorporation and enhancement of contemporary structural elements plays just as important a role as the preservation of historical structures. For it is not only the buildings themselves that create identity, but every aspect that makes a place unique, for instance an old tree, historical fountains, or hidden paths and alleys.
We help municipalities introduce aspects of Baukultur into their spatial principles and local planning practice, in alignment with its strategic goals around spatial development. In a large-scale participation process with various stakeholders from politics, administration and the general population and with the support of experts, different perceptions are documented and conflicts of interest identified and discussed early on. This inclusive approach helps to ensure a high-quality Baukultur in the future.
Examples of projects:
Contact persons: Stephan Käppeli, Melanie Lienhard