The loan periods are as follows:
- 28 days: Standard loan period
- 14 days: Jurisprudential literature (only applies to the stock at the ZHB Uni/PH building)
Loan period - renewal
Provided the item is not reserved and the user account unlocked, the loan period will be renewed automatically for another 28 days up to the maximum loan period of 168 days. You can also renew the item yourself in your user account. After 168 days maximum, items cannot be renewed any further. They must be returned to the library and, if necessary, borrowed again.
This does not apply to the jurisprudential literature of the university/PH library: Provided the item is not reserved and the user account unlocked, the loan period will be renewed automatically for another 14 days up to the maximum loan period of 84 days. You can also renew the item yourself in your user account. After 84 days maximum, items cannot be renewed any further. They must be returned to the library and, if necessary, borrowed again.
As a rule, any items borrowed from the library locations of the Lucerne ZHB, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the Pedagogical Media Centre PMZ and the Cooperative Storage Library Switzerland in Büron can be returned at any one of these places.
Return of borrowed items
To return items on-site, you can either use the return box or go to the information desk. As stated earlier, any items from one of the libraries listed can be returned in any one of them. This rule applies to the following types of medium: Books, CDs, DVDs and CD-ROMs. Exempt are learning games, media boxes and technical devices. Please return these items to the relevant information desks.
Return of media used on-site
Please return media used on-site (but not borrowed) at the information desk.
Return by mail
You may return borrowed items from the library by mail. We recommend you use registered mail. The date of receipt at the relevant ZHB location is considered the return date. The Lucerne ZHB assumes no responsibility or liability for delays or losses.
SLSP courier
Items ordered through the SLSP courier may be returned at the same library in which they were collected or in any other library in the SLSP courier network.
Please keep track of your loan periods in your library account and keep your personal details (specifically, your email address) up to date. You can change your personal details online, in your SWITCH Edu-ID account. Late fees after expiry of the loan period:
- Reminder: no charge (sent by email at the end of the loan period)
- First overdue notice: CHF 5 per item (CHF 5 in total)
- Second overdue notice: CHF 5 per item (CHF 10 in total)
- Third overdue notice: CHF 10 per item (CHF 20 in total)
For more information on fees, visit the website of the ZHB Luzern.
If you have damaged the book or misplaced it, we will charge you as follows:
- a) replacement of the book/item: retail price,
- b) plus administrative charge: CHF 30,
- c) plus late fees, if applicable.