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Wittkopf, Stephen; Hengevoss, Dirk & Park, Jeeyoung (2019). Industrial Data-Based Life Cycle Assessment of Architecturally Intergrated Glass-Glass Photovoltaics. Buildings Special Issue Environmental Impact Assessment of Buildings, 9(1), 1-17. doi: 10.3390/buildings9010008
Bedon, Chiara; Honfi, Daniel; Machalika, Klara V.; Eliasova, Martina; Vokac, Miroslav; Kozlowski, Marcin; Wüest, Thomas; Santos, Filipe & Wiliams Portal, Natalie (2019). Structural characterisation of adaptive facades in Europe - Part II: Validity of conventional experimental testing methods and key issues. Journal of Building Engineering, 25, 1-13. doi: /10.1016/j.jobe.2019.100797
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Schregle, Roland; Renken, Christian & Wittkopf, Stephen (03.08.2018). Spatio-Temporal Visualisation of Reflections from Building Integrated Photovoltaics. Buildings, 8(8), 101. doi: 10.3390/buildings8080101
Schregle, Roland & Wittkopf, Stephen (12.02.2018). An Image-Based Gamut Analysis of Translucent Digital Ceramic Prints for Coloured Photovoltaic Modules. Buildings, 8(2), 30. doi: 10.3390/buildings8020030
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Arnold, André; Zhang, Weiyuan & Askarinejad, Amin (2018). Undrained Shear Strength Profile of Normally and Over-Consolidated Kaolin Clay. In Andrew McNamara; Sam Divall; Richard Goodey; Neil Taylor; Sarah Stallebrass; Jignasha Panchal (Hrsg.), Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (S. 119-124). London: CRC Press.
Wüest, Thomas & Luible, Andreas (2018). Solar Energy Balanced Facade. In Andreas Luible, Susanne Gosztonyi (Hrsg.), Facade 2018 - Adaptive! Proceedings of the COST Action TU1403 Adaptive Facades Network Final Conference (S. 183-194). Delft: TU Delft.
Attia, Shady; Navarro, Alessandra Luna; Juaristi, Miren; Monge-Barrio, Aurora; Gosztonyi, Susanne & Al-Doughmi, Zein (2018). Post-Occupancy Evaluation for Adaptive Facades. Journal of Façade Design and Engineering (S.I.), Vol. 6(No. 3), 1-9. doi: 10.7480/jfde.2018.3.2464
Gosztonyi, Susanne (2018). The Role of Geometry for Adaptability: Comparison of Shading Systems and Biological Role Models. Journal of Façade Design and Engineering (S.I.), Vol. 6(No. 3), 163-174. doi: 10.7480/jfde.2018.3.2574
Grobe, Lars Oliver (2018). Characterization and data-driven modeling of a retro-reflective coating in Radiance. Energy and Buildings, 162, 121-133. doi: 10.1016/J.ENBUILD.2017.12.029
Wüest, Thomas; Bedon, Chiara; Eliasova, Martina; Honfi, Daniel; Kozlowski, Marcin; Santos, Filipe & Vokac, Miroslav (2018). Key Structural Aspects for Adaptive Facades - Activity Progress from the EU-COST Action TU1403 "Structural Task Group". International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research, 2018.
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Wittkopf, Stephen (10.5.2018). Schön viel Strom produzieren - Das SCCER Kompetenzzentrum für Gebäude und Areale informiert. Haustech, 2018(5), 58-58.
Wüest, Thomas (16.4.2018). SOLAR ENERGY BALANCED FACADE: Doppelhautfassade mit passivem Wärmespeicher. Metall, 1.
Wittkopf, Stephen & Simon, Axel (20.1.2018). Kopfschütteln und anpacken. Hochparterre: Zeitschrift für Architektur und Design, 2018(Solaris 1), 18-23.
Arnold, Kilian (2018). Pflanzenbegrünte Fassaden im urbanen Raum. Metall, 1.
Luible, Andreas; Henriksen, Thomas; Knaack, Ullrich; Konstantinou, Thaleia; Louter, Christian; Metcalfe, David & Pottgiesser, Uta (Hrsg.). (2018). Dissemination, Future Research and Education - Adaptive Facades Network. Delft: TU Delft Open.
Schregle, Roland; Krehel, Marek & Wittkopf, Stephen (18.08.2017). Computational Colour Matching of Laminated Photovoltaic Modules for Building Envelopes. Buildings, 7(3), 72. doi: 10.3390/buildings7030072
Xu, Ran; Wittkopf, Stephen & Roeske, Christian (10.05.2017). Quantitative Evaluation of BIPV Visual Impact in Building Retrofits Using Saliency Models. Energies, 2017(Volume 10, Issue 5), 1-16. doi: 10.3390/en10050668
Grobe, Lars Oliver; Wittkopf, Stephen & Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe (2017). High-resolution data-driven models of daylight redirecting components. In Aslıhan Tavil; Oğuz Cem Çelik (Hrsg.), ICBEST Istanbul: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for future building envelopes (S. 84-93). Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University.
Moor, Christina; Egloff, Brigitte; Tomovic, Tina & Wittkopf, Stephen (2017). REPEAT: Textile Design for PV Modules!: Design-driven Strategies for Photovoltaic Module. In European Academy of Design EAD (Hrsg.), The Design Journal (S. 1879-1893). 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon OX14 4RN, UK: Taylor & Francis Journals Production.
Arnold, André; Krähenbühl, Manuel & Schmid, Andreas (2017). Drained & Undrained Analysis for Foundations based on Triaxial Tests. In Alessio Ferrari; Lyesse Laloui (Hrsg.), Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales (ATMSS) (S. 413-420). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Thoma, Karel; Borkowski, Gregor; Brühwiler, Eugen & Rupp, Christoph (2017). Experiementielle Valdierung einer Plattenbalken- Bahnbrücke aus bewehrtem UHFB. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 112(6), 320-328. doi: 10.1002/best.201700001
Grobe, Lars Oliver; Aksakarya, Gizem; Altınkaya, Gülce; Ergin, Meltem; Hancı Geçit, Burçin; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe; Sevinç, Zeynep & Yörük, Yasemin (2017). Scale-model and simulation-based assessments for design alternatives of daylight redirecting systems for side-lighting in an educational design room. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 1. doi: 10.4305/METU.JFA.2017.2.1
Bauer, Carsten; Kazanasmaz, Zehra T & Wittkopf, Stephen (2017). Climate based daylight simulations with EvalDRC: analysis of Daylight Redirecting Components. Journal of Façade Design and Engineering., 2017(Vol. 5/ No. 2), 43-55. doi: 10.7480/jfde.2017.2.1738
Grobe, Lars Oliver; Wittkopf, Stephen & Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe (2017). High-resolution data-driven models of daylight redirection components. Journal of Façade Design and Engineering, 5(2), 103-116. doi: 10.7480/jfde.2017.2.1743
Grobe, Lars Oliver (2017). Computational combination of the optical properties of fenestration layers at high directional resolution. Buildings, 7(1), 1-19. doi: 10.3390/buildings7010022
Wittkopf, Stephen & Hengevoss, Dirk (01.09.2017). Vergleichende Ökobilanzierung Photovoltaik. Gebäudehülle Schweiz, (7/8), 32-39.
Wittkopf, Stephen & Schoof, Jakob (02.02.2017). Neue Gestaltungspotentiale für die Solararchitektur. Detail Green, 2017(2), 48-52.
Wittkopf, Stephen (2017). Farbige Solarmodule kommen als Fassadenelemente zum Einsatz. Der schweizerische Hauseigentümer: offizielles Organ des Schweizerischen Hauseigentümerverbandees / Hrsg.: Schweiz. Hauseigentümerverband, Zürich, 2017(Ausgabe Nr 16), 19-19.
Luible, Andreas (2017). Wir sind erst am Anfang. Schweizer Energiefachbuch 2018, Sonderbeilage Fassade 2018, 13-15.