Breadcrumbs-Navigation Technik & Architektur Über uns Aktuell Sahay Solar Initiative 14. Juli 2020 Sahay Solar Initiative In February, 19 students from a range of study programs traveled to Ethiopia to spend an extremely inspiring block week participating in the Sahay Solar Initiative. Teilen The Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture had advertised the Advances Solar Training course at Arba Minch to students of its English-taught programs. 19 students followed the call and signed up to spend a block week in Ethiopia. It was the first time that the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts offered the “Advanced Solar Training” (AST) in collaboration with Arba Minch University to its BSc students. Four women and fifteen men participated in the program; they all agree that what they experienced in Africa was simply amazing. Find the complete report here. The “Sahay Solar” association, which has been closely collaborating with the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture, is the 2017 recipient of the 27. Swiss Solar Award. Kategorie: News Technik & Architektur, Bachelor & Master Themen: