Züst, Simon; Dmitrijeva, Jekaterina; Rodel, Eugen & West, Shaun (30.01.2025). Lifecycle-Analyse und CO₂-Fussabdruck von Produktionsmaschinen: Komplexität und künftige Herausforderungen. 10. «F&E-Konferenz», Rotkreuz.
Hohmann, Christian; Dmitrijeva, Jekaterina & West, Shaun (15.09.2024). ORCHESTRATING COLLABORATIVE NETWORKS: ANALYSIS OF THE INNOVATION BOOSTER PROGRAMME IN SWITZERLAND. CINet Conference 2024, Hamburg.
West, Shaun; Kujawski, Dominik & Bächler, Linus (01.11.2019). Servitization of office lighting in the context of IoT. Servitization of office lighting in the context of IoT. Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon.
Østerlund, Marika; West, Shaun; Stoll, Oliver & Kowalkowski, Christian (17.06.2019). Using customer journey mapping to improve industrial sales and customer experience. 26th EurOMA Conference: Operations adding value to society, Helsinki, Finland.
Barbieri, Cosimo; West, Shaun; Rapaccini, Mario & Meierhofer, Jürg (17.06.2019). Are practitioners and literature aligned about digital twin? 26th EurOMA Conference: Operations adding value to society, Helsinki, Finland.
Meierhofer, Jürg & West, Shaun (30.05.2019). Service value creation using a digital twin. The 10th Naples Forum on Service, Ischia, Italy.
West, Shaun; Gaiardelli, Paolo & Mathews, Anet (13.05.2019). Overcoming the challenges of change management associated with servitization: lessons from 20 practical cases. The Spring Servitization Conference 2019, Sweden.
West, Shaun; Gaiardelli, Paolo; Bigdeli, Ali Ziaee & Baines, Tim (01.05.2019). Exploring operational challenges for servitization: an European survey. The Spring Servitization Conference 2018, Copenhagen.
Stoll, Oliver; West, Shaun; Rapaccini, Mario & Barbieri, Cosimo (01.05.2019). Application and development of the Data2Action methodology to four industrial use cases. The Spring Servitization Conference 2019, Sweden.
West, Shaun; Stoll, Oliver & Mueller-Csernetzky, Petra (01.11.2018). Using “avatar journey mapping” to reveal smart-service opportunities along the product life-cycle for manufacturing firms. 7th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS), Lisbon.
West, Shaun & Risticcia, A. (23.09.2018). Data-to-Action – cutting costs, reducing cash and improving customer experience. Pharma MES, Berlin.
West, Shaun (23.09.2018). Building the deep mind can you hear the music how to extract digital gold from noisy factory environments. Industry of Things World, Berlin.
Stoll, Oliver; West, Shaun & Østerlund, Marika (01.09.2018). Using customer journey mapping to support the sales process in complex industrial product service systems. Frontiers in Service, Austin TX, USA.
West, Shaun; Mueller-Csernetzky, Petra; Kuenzli, Michelle; Huonder, Michael & Granata, Timothy (01.06.2018). Ecosystems innovation for smart connected services. 25th International EurOMA Conference, Budapest.
West, Shaun; Gaiardelli, Paolo; Matchim, Simo & Snelgrove, Todd (01.05.2018). Pricing options for digitally-enabled product service systems. The Spring Servitization Conference 2018, Copenhagen.
West, Shaun; Østerlund, Marika & Stoll, Oliver (01.05.2018). Customer Journey Mapping for Servitization. University of Florence, Florence.
West, Shaun & Wuest, Thorsten (01.05.2018). Anatomy of stakeholders within complex product service systems. The Spring Servitization Conference 2018, Copenhagen.
West, Shaun & Wuest, Thorsten (01.05.2018). A Strategy for Midlife Upgrades To Provide Value For Both The Equipment Operator And The Supplier. Spring Servitization Conference 2017, Lucerne.
West, Shaun; Stoll, Oliver; Rapaccini, Mario & Mueller-Csernetzky, Petra (01.05.2018). Data-to-action in a product service system environment – lessons learnt from a hackathon. The Spring Servitization Conference 2018, Copenhagen.
West, Shaun & Jovanovic, Marin (01.05.2018). Alignment of value drivers in outcome-based contracts. The Spring Servitization Conference 2018, Copenhagen.
West, Shaun & Huonder, Michael (01.04.2018). Ecosystem Innovation in Pharma. LogiPharma, Montreux.
West, Shaun & Stoll, Oliver (01.01.2018). Service Design Thinking – Applying the Data to Action Model in complicated systems. Swissmen Industrie 2025, F&E-Konferenz zur Industrie 4.0., Brugg.
West, Shaun; Gaiardelli, Paolo; Resta, Barbara & Kujawski, Dominik (01.11.2017). Co-Creating Product-Service System Value Through Ecosystem Engagement. Sixth International Conference on Business Servitization, Barcelona.
West, Shaun; Kujawski, Dominik & Rapaccini, Mario (01.11.2017). Designing And Pricing Of Advanced Services Based On Customer Value. Sixth International Conference on Business Servitization, Barcelona.
Kujawski, Dominik; West, Shaun & Van den Berg, Henk (05.09.2017). Combining Ultrasound Non-Destructive Testing And Bolting Methods To Improve Reliability On Bolted Flange Connections In Offshore Wind. 56th Annual British Conference of Non-Destructive Testing, Telford.
Rapaccini, Mario; West, Shaun & Mueller-Csernetzky, Petra (01.05.2017). Using Avatars And Digital Technologies To Improve The (Re)Design Of Industrial Product-Service‐Systems. Spring Servitization Conference, Lucerne.
West, Shaun & Meierhofer, Jürg (01.01.2017). The Optimisation Of Industrial Product Support Services Using Digitalization. Swissmem, F&E Konferenz zur Industrie 4.0, Winterthur.
West, Shaun; schmidt, Philipp & Brun, Beni (01.01.2017). Remote Asset Monitoring, Diagnostics And Predictive Analysis As A Basis For Advanced Services. Spring Servitization Conference 2017, Lucerne.
West, Shaun & Gaiardelli, Paolo (01.01.2017). Driving The Servitization Transformation Through Change Management: Lessons Learnt From Ten Industrial Cases. Frontiers in Service 2017, New York.
West, Shaun (01.01.2017). Industry 4.0 – Lessons From Large And Small Firms. Konferenze Perspektiven mit Industrie 4.0, Winterthur.
Pascual, Adriano; West, Shaun; Stoll, Oliver & schmidt, Philipp (01.01.2017). The Equipment Cradle-To-Grave Lifecycle As A Strategic Marketing Tool. Spring Servitization Conference 2017, Lucerne.
West, Shaun (01.01.2017). It’s Not About The Technology… …It Is About The Business. Librestrem innovator forum, London.
West, Shaun & Kujawski, Dominik (01.01.2017). Using Two Use Cases To Simplify The Design And Pricing Of Service Contracts Based On Customer Value. Spring Servitization Conference 2017, Lucerne.
West, Shaun; Granata, Timothy; Kuenzli, Michelle; Ouertani, Mohamed Zied & Ganz, Christopher (01.01.2017). Identification Of Ecosystems Actors And Their Behaviours In Manufacturing And Services. Frontiers in Service 2017, New York.
West, Shaun; Kujawski, Dominik; Kuenzli, Michelle; Ouertani, Mohamed Zied & Ganz, Christopher (01.11.2016). The Simplification Of Ecosystems To Support Management Decision Making. th International Conference On Business Servitization, Granada.
West, Shaun (01.10.2016). Creating and measuring value: Alternative Operations And Maintenance Business Models. The Future Of Gas Turbine Technology, ETN’s 8th International Gas Turbine Conference, Brussels.
West, Shaun; Kujawski, Dominik & Schmitt, P. (01.06.2016). Service Pricing Strategies For Maintenance Services. EUROMA 2016, Trondheim.
West, Shaun & Gaiardelli, Paolo (01.05.2016). Driving Servitization Transformation Through Change Management: Lessons Learnt From Industrial Cases. Spring Servitization Conference 2016, Manchester.
West, Shaun; Kuenzli, Michelle; Ouertani, Mohamed Zied & Ganz, Christopher (01.05.2016). The Use Of Ecosystem Visualisation To Identify Value Flows At ABB In The Context Of The Internet Of Things, Services And People. Spring Servitization Conference 2016, Manchester.
West, Shaun (01.01.2016). Value Based Pricing In The Capital Equipment Aftermarket. 10th Copperberg Aftermarket Conference, Wiesbaden.
West, Shaun (01.01.2016). Obsolescence In Complicated Machines. Workshop: Obsoleszenz, Formen und Handlungsalternativen, Manchung.
West, Shaun (01.01.2016). Advanced Services – Contracts And Modelling. Aston University Business School, Aston.
West, Shaun (01.01.2016). Big Data – Small Firms – Big Problems! Big Data Innovation Conference, Frankfurt.
West, Shaun; Kujawski, Dominik & Gaiardelli, Paolo (01.11.2015). Can Machine-To-Machine Communications Be Used To Improve Customer Experience In A Service Environment? 4th International Conference On Business Servitization, Madrid.
West, Shaun & Pascual, Adriano (01.06.2015). The Use Of Equipment Life-Cycle Analysis To Identify New Service Opportunities. Spring Servitization Conference, Birmingham.
West, Shaun (01.01.2015). Remote: 4.0! Und Service? It All Starts With The Right Value Proposition. Smart Remote Services. we-conect, Berlin.
West, Shaun (01.09.2014). Aligning Metrics To Customer Value Creation For The Maintenance Of Power Generation Assets. Service Operations Management Forum., Tilburg.
West, Shaun; Schmitt, Philipp & Siepen, Sven (01.05.2014). A Comparative Assessment Of The Service Cultures Of Industrial Businesses In The DACH Region Of Europe And Their Impact On Business Performance. EUROMA 2014, Palermo.
West, Shaun (01.01.2014). How Can Conversions, Modifications And Upgrades Create Value For The Owner? ETH Innovation Workshop, Zürich.
West, Shaun (01.01.2013). Toolbox: Key Organizational Issues For Services. Roland Berger’s Service 3.0 Workshop, Zürich.
West, Shaun & Mattheij, S. (01.01.2010). Maintenance of V94.0/V94.2 Series Of Gas Turbines. Russia Power, Moscow.
West, Shaun; Van den Berg, Henk & Mattheij, S. (01.01.2004). Upgrades In Plant Performance Offered By Plat Refurbishment And Component Replacement. IPG Gas Turbine Conference, Prague.
West, Shaun; Williamson, Jim & Laughlin, MK (01.01.1994). Mineral Interactions During Fluidised Bed Gasification Of Coals. Engineering-Foundation Conference On The Impact Of Ash Deposition On Coal Fired Plants, International.