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Sources may also be found in the search portal swisscovery RZS. E-media are accessed via the HLSU’s campus network. HSLU members must log into the campus network via VPN to access the portal externally, e.g. from home.
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von unserer Bibliothek für Sie lizenziert
Print periodicals and licensed e-journals
and electronic reference works and standards
swisscovery RZS-HSLU is where to find all the physical media (books, DVDs, etc.) available from the libraries of the Central Switzerland region (RZS), as well as links to the HSLU’s licensed e-media. You can also use swisscovery to browse more than 490 Swiss libraries across Switzerland.
KVK Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue: this meta catalogue allows a worldwide search in library and book trade catalogues.
Our licensed e-books are listed in the research platform swisscovery RZS-HSLU, where they can be accessed. The individual platforms have different terms of use. Besides numerous individual titles, the library offers access to selected collections that are also listed in swisscovery RZS-HSLU:
Engineering, computer science, energy, intelligent technologies & robotics, economics, social sciences, psychology
Civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, construction
Architecture, design
Civil engineering
Access via AAI-Login (only for members of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Institution = Bibliotheken der Hochschule Luzern)
Textbooks from various subject areas
E-books from various publishers and subject areas
with their e-book offers
Print periodicals and e-journals Around 130 print periodicals and 26,500 licensed e-journals in full text, listed in swisscovery RZS-HSLU. The journal search allows you to search specifically for journal titles and includes electronic as well as printed journals. The latest year of print periodicals is displayed. Some older years are archived.
Open Access Journals The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) contains open access periodicals on the subject areas (subjects).
Print and e-newspapers Several print daily and weekly newspapers are available in the library. A list of available online press services can be found here.
The DBIS platform (Database Information System) lists databases, e-reference works, subject portals (licensed products for the HSLU as well as a selection of freely accessible offerings).
Database Information System (DBIS)
Company databases
Newspaper and press databases, incl. Swissdox
(333.5 KB) .PDF
In addition to specialist literature you will find non-fiction books, fiction, movies, other magazines, etc. here. (Login with the library login).