Simone Croci is a Senior Scientific Collaborator working in the Immersive Realities Research Lab under Prof. Dr. Aljosa Smolic and Dr. Markus Zank. He has a Master in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in Ireland. During his career, he worked on different projects in the field of visual computing both in academia and industry. In academia, he worked at ETHZ and TCD, while in industry he worked at Disney Research Zurich (DRZ), and the startups Volograms, Gixel, and Dybuster. He worked in various fields like virtual, augmented and mixed reality, free-viewpoint video, 3D human reconstruction, quality optimization for 360 video, high dynamic range tone mapping, digital film restoration, digital holography and wave-based rendering, and artificial intelligence (machine and deep learning). He was also involved in different projects like the EU project INVICTUS ( on techniques for 3D human reconstruction, the TCD project V-SENSE ( about quality assessment and improvement of 360 video, the EU project Action-TV about interactive TV, and the Swiss project DIASTOR (www.diastor.h) about digital restoration of film.