Züst, Simon; Dmitrijeva, Jekaterina; Rodel, Eugen & West, Shaun (30.01.2025). Lifecycle-Analyse und CO₂-Fussabdruck von Produktionsmaschinen: Komplexität und künftige Herausforderungen. 10. «F&E-Konferenz», Rotkreuz.
Pavliček, Florentina; Dietz, Flurin; Blaser, Philipp; Züst, Simon; Mayr, Josef; Weikert, Sascha & Wegener, Konrad (23.10.2016). An approach for developing meta models out of fluid simulations in enclosures of precision machine tools. 31st ASPE Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Züst, Simon; Paul, Philip; Weiss, Lukas & Wegener, Konrad (05.09.2016). Modelling and Compensation of Thermally Induced Positioning Errors in a High Precision Positioning Application. Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, Loughborough University, Vereinigtes Königreich.
Züst, Simon; Schudelei, Timo & Wegener, Konrad (22.05.2016). Development and Application of an Eco-design Tool for Machine Tools. 23rd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Berlin, Deutschland.
Pavliček, Florentina; Hernández Becerro, Pablo; Mayr, Josef; Weikert, Sascha; Züst, Simon & Wegener, Konrad (17.03.2016). Influence of machine housing on the thermal TCP displacement. Euspen Special Interest Group Meeting: Thermal Issues, Prag, Tschechien.
Züst, Simon; Pavliček, Florentina; Fischer, Ludger Josef; Weiss, Lukas & Wegener, Konrad (17.03.2016). Macro-Models for Modeling and Simulation of Cooled Spindles. EUSPEN Special Interest Group Meeting: Thermal Issues, Prag.
Fischer, Ludger Josef; Weiss, Lukas; Züst, Simon & Reinhard, Edwin (22.01.2016). Phase Change Dispersions (PCD) for Isothermal Operation of Machine Tools. Swiss Symposium for thermal energy storage, Horw.
Schudelei, Timo & Züst, Simon (19.01.2016). Electrical Energy Equivalents for Factory-integrated Machine Tools. Schweizer Schleif-Symposium 2016, Zürich, Schweiz.
Paul, Philip; Züst, Simon; Holzner, Felix; Bonanni, Simon; Rawlings, Collin; Dürig, Urs; Wegener, Konrad & Knoll, Armin (01.06.2015). Positioning for Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography. Euspen 15th International Conference & Exhibition, Leuven, Niederlande.
Gontarz, Adam; Pavliček, Florentina; Mayr, Josef; Wegener, Konrad & Züst, Simon (03.06.2014). Model based prediction approach for internal machine tool heat sources on the level of subsystems. 3rd CIRP Global Web Conference, Neapel.
Züst, Simon; Gontarz, Adam & Wegener, Konrad (23.09.2013). Energy Equivalent of Compressed Air Consumption in a Machine Tool Environment. 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Berlin, Deutschland.
Züst, Simon (19.03.2013). Ecodesign-Prozess und Umsetzung: Einsatz von Ecodesign-Methoden. Cleantech City Fachtagung 7: Eco-Design, Bern, Schweiz.
Züst, Simon; Gontarz, Adam; Weiss, Lukas & Wegener, Konrad (31.10.2012). Energetic machine tool modeling approach for energy consumption prediction. 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Istanbul.