9:45 – 12h00 Session 1: Case study und Planung
- Felix Thies, Ilmer Thies Architekten AG, Circular Building Müllerstrasse
- Adrian Roiz, ARUP, Circularity & Sustainability above and beyond the ideal world: a few practical notes and an example
- Andreas Haug, baubüro situ ag, Basil Rudolf, Zirkular GmbH, New and Improved: Re-use in Façade Construction
- Serenella Mauri, WSP, From Waste to Wonder: Circular Economy in Facade Engineering
- Stephan Göddertz, FKG, Re-Glass, Status of guidance
12:00 – 13:15 Mittagessen
13:15 – 15:00 Session 2: Ausführung
- Philippe Willareth, Dr. Lüchinger+Meyer Bauingenieure AG, Re-Use and On-Use of Spandrel and Window Glass for Façade Cladding
- Henri Beranek & Annalena Stetter, Josef Gartner GmbH, Circular façades - practical examples and future prospects
- Xabier Garcia, Inasus, Bespoke facades: Our sustainability approach
- Ron Jacobs, Jansen AG, Reversible façades
15:00 – 15:30 Kaffeepause
15:30 – 16:30 Session 3: Innovation und Forschung
- Susanne Gosztonyi, HSLU T&A,Building without Material
- Thaleia Konstantinou, TU Delft, Building components design as an enabler for a circular built environment
- Miren Juaristi, Eurac Research Bolzano, Facade Circular Lab: Experiencing facade disassembling to close the loop
- Ornella Iuorio, Politecnico di Milano, Deconstruction and Reusing Lightweight Facade Systems: Possibilities, Carbon Impacts and Challenges
16:30 – 16:45 Schlusswort
16:45 Apéro