In his presentation, Diego Hangartner will address these questions from several perspectives: neuro-scientific insights will be paired with understandings and tools stemming from clinical science, psychology, performance science, and management in order to address these serious and deleterious issues. Over the last ten years, research has provided ample evidence that wellbeing, resilience, good relationships and healthy minds are skills rather than given character traits. Accordingly, with the proper methods, they can be developed.
Based on these findings, Diego Hangartner will offer some inputs of clear and proven practices that will support individuals and communities to improve their well-being, resilience, relationships and peak-performances - for students, teachers and future leaders.
About Diego Hangartner: Diego has dedicated over forty years to external scientific research and internal meditative exploration of the mind and consciousness. He started as a pharmacologist specializing in psychopharmacology and addiction, always interested in what constitutes a healthy mind and how to cultivate it. He lived over 13 years in India, studying with yogis and masters of mind training, and for over 20 years curated the dialogues between Science and Buddhism (Mind and Life dialogues) with the Dalai Lama resulting in thousands of research papers.
Today, Diego works at the intersection of Neuroscience, Coaching, Mind Training and Practice of Meditation, helping individuals and teams overcome confusion, lack of clarity and reigniting their potential and thriving lives.