Trained as an Art Teacher (at today's Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) and an artistic printmaker (at the Basel School of Art). Continuing education in multimedia production and web programming. MA in Visual Communication and Iconic Research at the Basel School of Design, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.
1996 - 2005 self-employed at the printmaking studio in Olten, today located in Lenzburg. Printmaking editions and publications, artistic and technical support in printmaking projects, printing and printmaking with various national and international artists and editors.
2003 - 2009 self-employed in web-publishing and -programming.
After having been an assistant to Prof. P. Jenny at the Department of Architecture ETH Zürich I worked as an art teacher, at first parttime, after 2009 full time at grammar schools and artistic colleges. From 2017 on exclusively employed at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Department of Design, Film and Art. Teaching design basics, visual communication, printmaking, drawing and sketching as well as artistic methodologies, designerly practices and visual thinking. Its about generating images and ideas, conveying results as well as design processes.
Starting in 2024 co-head of the bachelor program in Digital Ideation.
Member of the Cantonal Matura Commission Solothurn, responsible for art education.