Olaru, Gabriel; Stieger, Mirjam; Flückiger, Christoph & Allemand, Mathias (06.08.2024). Personality state change through intervention: The effect of behavioral practice. European Conference of Personality, Berlin, Germany.
Wozniak, Thomas; Stieger, Mirjam; Griesser, Simone; Gantenbein, Somara & Schaffner, Dorothea (29.05.2024). Encouraging Sustainable Packaging Choices: The Impact of Nudging on Online Shoppers’ Decision for Reusable Packaging. EMAC 2024 Annual Conference, Bucharest.
Lu, Guang; Biallas, Martin; Moist, Richard & Stieger, Mirjam (31.01.2024). Developing Emotional Support Chatbots for Elder Care: Opportunities and Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models (LLMs). Research Symposium Health Lucerne, Lucerne.
Olaru, Gabriel; van Scheppingen, M.A.; Stieger, Mirjam; Kowatsch, Tobias; Flückiger, Christoph & Allemand, Mathias (24.09.2023). The effect of a personality intervention on satisfaction in ten domains of life: Evidence for increases and correlated change with personality traits. DPPD der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Salzburg, Österreich.
Biallas, Martin; Lu, Guang; Stieger, Mirjam; Moist, Richard & Paice, Andrew (30.08.2023). Exploring the Potential of Conversational Interfaces for Care of Older Adults: Insights from Stakeholder Workshops. The 17h International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE), Paris.
Lu, Guang; Biallas, Martin; Stieger, Mirjam & Moist, Richard (31.01.2023). Let me help you: German-language chatbot system for emotional support of older people in the fight against loneliness. Research Symposium Health Lucerne, Lucerne.
Lu, Guang; Biallas, Martin; Stieger, Mirjam; Moist, Richard & Kohler, Simon (31.01.2023). Let me help you: German-language chatbot system for emotional support of older people in the fight against loneliness. Forschungssymposium Gesundheit Luzern, Lucerne.
Olaru, Gabriel; Stieger, Mirjam; Rüegger, Dominik; Kowatsch, Tobias; Flückiger, Christoph; Roberts, Brent W. & Allemand, Mathias (10.09.2022). Persönlichkeitsveränderung durch eine Digital-Coaching-Intervention: Die Auswirkungen auf Persönlichkeitsfacetten und -nuancen. 52nd DGPs congress 2022, Hildesheim.
Olaru, Gabriel; Stieger, Mirjam; Rüegger, Dominik; Kowatsch, Tobias; Flückiger, Christoph; Roberts, Brent W. & Allemand, Mathias (12.07.2022). Personality Change Through a Digital-Coaching Intervention: The Effects on Personality Facets and Nuances. European Conference of Personality, Madrid, Spain.
Wozniak, Thomas; Stieger, Mirjam; Schaffner, Dorothea; Schu, Matthias & Lu, Guang (26.06.2022). Algorithmic Nudging for Sustainability in E-Commerce: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda. 35th Bled eConference, Bled (online).
Stieger, Mirjam; Liu, Yujun; Graham, Eileen; DeFransicso, Jenna & Lachman, Margie E. (10.11.2021). Personality change profiles and changes in cognition among middle-aged and older adults. GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Stieger, Mirjam (09.06.2021). PEACH: A Smartphone App to Change your Personality. LIS Inaugural Conference, Online.
Stieger, Mirjam & Allemand, Mathias (09.02.2021). Changing Personality Traits with PEACH: A Digital Personality Change Intervention. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention (Symposium on Rising Stars in Personality Change Research), Online.
Stieger, Mirjam & Lachman, Margie E. (06.11.2020). Cognitive Activity as a Moderator of Educational Attainment and Work Status in Cognitive Aging. GSA Annual Meeting, Online.
Stieger, Mirjam & Allemand, Mathias (05.07.2019). Who Wants to Change their Personality with the PEACH-App and What do They Want to Change? 6th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Research in Personality (ARP), Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
Stieger, Mirjam & Allemand, Mathias (09.09.2018). Digital Coaching for Intentional Personality Change. 51st Conference of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Frankfurt, Deutschland.
Stieger, Mirjam; Wohlwend, Nadia & Allemand, Mathias (08.07.2018). Piloting Micro-interventions for a Smartphone-Based Personality Change Intervention. European Conference on Personality (ECP), Zadar, Kroatien.
Kowatsch, Tobias; Nissen, Marcia; Rüegger, Dominik; Stieger, Mirjam; Flückiger, Christoph; Allemand, Mathias & von Wangenheim, Florian (23.06.2018). The impact of interpersonal closeness cues in text-based healthcare chatbots on attachment bond and the desire to continue interacting: An experimental design. Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK.
Stieger, Mirjam; Rüegger, Dominik; Kowatsch, Tobias; Flückiger, Christoph & Allemand, Mathias (09.09.2017). A Mobile Technology-Based Intervention for Intentional Personality Change. 15th Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society, Lausanne, Schweiz.
Rüegger, Dominik; Stieger, Mirjam; Flückiger, Christoph; Allemand, Mathias & Kowatsch, Tobias (08.09.2017). Leveraging the potential of personality traits for digital health interventions: A literature review on digital markers for conscientiousness and neuroticism. Proceedings of the 11th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Genoa, Italien.
Stieger, Mirjam; Wepfer, Sandro & Allemand, Mathias (20.06.2017). Mobile Technology-Based Personality Change Intervention. 5th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Research in Personality (ARP), Sacramento, CA, USA.
Rüegger, Dominik; Kowatsch, Tobias; Stieger, Mirjam & Allemand, Mathias (08.09.2016). Unobtrusive Recognition of Personality Traits with Health Impact: A Literature Review with a Focus on Conscientiousness and Neuroticism. Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Paphos, Zypern.
Stieger, Mirjam & Allemand, Mathias (10.07.2016). Dispositional Forgiveness and Reported Daily Transgressions. European Conference on Personality (ECP), Timisoara, Rumänien.