Programming Fundamentals
Students learn both the basic programming concepts and the essential language concepts of the programming language JAVA. Furthermore, students learn basics of object-oriented programming (classes, objects, collections, inheritance). Students are able to analyze simpler problems and develop problem-oriented solutions including implementation. Abstraction and modelling of real-world problems are the high-level skills acquired in this course. (6 ECTS)
Computer & Network Basics
This module provides an introduction to computer communication. It covers topics such as converged networks, the principles of IP addressing and the basics of Ethernet LANs. Students know the structure of simple LANs, know how to configure routers and switches, the importance of routing protocols such as RIP and OSPF, Inter-VLAN routing, and IPv4 and IPv6. (3 ECTS)
Software Development
The module covers the most important software ingredients for business software. Students will deepen their knowledge about code quality and refactoring. As a next step the module will empower students to create graphical user interfaces. File handling and networking concepts will be taught as these are crucial ingredients for business applications. Implementing client-server architectures completes this module. (3 ECTS)
Web & Communication Technologies
The students know the OSI model & network protocols, the focus is on IP and the protocol family for the WWW, as well as basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and insights into scripting languages for clients and web servers to create dynamic pages and to connect to databases. In a second part, students work in groups on a project that can aim at a web presence with database connection, web service, or configuration of a VoIP telephone exchange. (3 ECTS)
Data Management
Data is considered the new oil, as it fuels our modern, tech-driven society. As such, it’s crucial to understand what data actually is, how it can be transformed into information or knowledge and which data types exist. In a first step, modelling, building and querying of relational databases is covered. The second step focuses on so-called NoSQL databases. Here, the focus will be applied on graph databases. (3 ECTS)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems are IT-based information systems which closely integrate business data and business processes across a business as well as across multiple businesses. That kind of system is nowadays used by many businesses big and small and in different industries. IT and business are deeply interlinked and dependent of each other. Solid knowledge about ERP systems is indispensable for an IT professional. (3 ECTS)
Software Engineering
The students get an introduction to the broad field of Software Engineering. The complete life cycle of a software system is covered, step-by-step, from inception to release. (3 ECTS)
Information Security
This module teaches how to deal with typical organisational and technical threats, including which security objectives are important in information security and which basic measures and concepts are necessary at organisational, system and network level to ensure information security. Students also learn the basics of cryptography; In addition, the students apply what they have learned in concrete situations in the security laboratory. (6 ECTS)
Internet of Things
Practical introduction to Internet of Things (IoT). Students will develop knowledge and practical skills in the design and building IoT systems, and applying concepts learned to real-word IoT applications. Topics include: IoT technologies, software architectures for IoT, challenges, IoT cloud platforms, popular IoT devices, sensors & tools, IoT protocols, IoT security, visual programming for IoT (Node-RED), real-world use cases from industries. (3 ECTS)
The students get a theoretical insight into the underlying technology and learn in several sessions how blockchain applications are structured. The acquired knowledge is used by the students to develop their own blockchain business case.; The course follows a very strong «hands on» approach, with theoretical input being limited to 45-60min per block. The knowledge taught is consolidated through team exercises and a module spanning project. (3 ECTS)
Business Intelligence
This module introduces the students to the concept of Business Intelligence as the application of approaches and methods of data analytics to support decision-making processes, using the "R" language, as reference. The module follows a mixed approach, combining knowledge transmission by direct input, knowledge elicitation by discussion and competence creation by direct students exploration and application, including a didactic project. (3 ECTS)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
This Module is a broad introduction to the history and state-of the art of Artificial Intelligence and its applications in search, classification, optimization, natural language processing, vision systems, etc. The course includes key underlying AI technologies such as supervised/unsupervised machine learning and neural networks. It also includes a strong focus on the practical application of AI in business including case-studies, illustrated by coding examples in the Python programming language. (6 ECTS)
Sustainable Digital Transformation
The module includes a systematic consideration of possible applications of disruptive technologies in digital transformation. The focus is on disruptive technologies that enable applications that can lead to completely new business models. At the same time, the applications will be critically examined in terms of their sustainability in relation to the UN's 17 sustainability goals. The focus here is on the concrete applications of technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, blockchain, 3-D printing, etc (3 ECTS)