The Department of Building and Construction offers Bachelor’s programs in Architecture, Interior Architecture, Civil Engineering, Building Technology | Energy and Digital Construction as well as a Master’s program in Architecture. The activities of the Department of Engineering and Technology comprise Bachelor’s programs in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Business Engineering | Innovation, Medical Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering as well as Digital Engineering. Engineering graduates find multiple ways to advance their knowledge in the Master of Science in Engineering program. The breadth of study opportunities, the many areas of study, a broad range of general educational subjects as well as the chance to participate in interdisciplinary projects allow for the creation of bespoke program profiles that suit the student’s needs.
Prof Dr Sabine Sulzer, Vice Dean and Co-Head Continuing Education and Prof Volker Janssen, Vice Dean and Co-Head Continuing Education
Research and Development
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has a strong profile in the field of research. Its researchers have close professional ties to their partners, which include industrial firms, business enterprises as well as social institutions.
Partners from the realms of business, civil society and politics benefit from the School’s experience through more than 1,000 research projects and through existing networks with the ETH and other university level institutions with whom the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture has an active exchange. With its disciplines that include Architecture, Civil Engineering, Building Technology and Energy, Interior Architecture, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Business Engineering and Medical Engineering, the School is ideally suited to explore a wide range of issues with its regional, national and international partners.
Thirteen Competence Centers conduct research with their business partners in the specializations that are Building as a System and Energy and Sustainability, and also offer services for external companies. Moreover, the researchers involved form interdisciplinary teams along specific research topics.
Prof Dr Andrea Weber, Vice Dean and Head of Research and Development
Continuing and executive Education
“Where engineers and architects further increase their skills“ is a motto of the Center for Continuing and Executive Education of the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture. The Center is a central point of contact for companies and prospective participants in continuing education programs. The Center for Continuing and Executive Education coordinates work-study and academic continuing education with a practical and interdisciplinary focus. It offers a range of in-house programs from specialist seminars to university certificates to continuing and executive education courses and provides specialist support for corporate personnel and organizational development.
Prof Dr Christine Bratrich, Vice Dean and Head of Continuing Education