Orlando Budelacci is Vice Dean of the Lucerne School of Arts and Design and Chairman of the HSLU Ethics Committee. He deals with questions of artificial intelligence and ethics and is author of the book “Mensch, Maschine, Identität. Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz” (Schwabe, Basel - Berlin 2022).
He studied philosophy, art history and law at the University of Basel and received his PhD in philosophy in 2002 with a thesis on Immanuel Kant. Research stays took him to the universities of Cambridge and Oxford. In 2014, he completed his studies in management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). In 2020, he completed the Oxford Artificial Intelligence Programme.
He was a research assistant at the Europainstitut of the University of Basel from 2001 to 2004 and managing director of the Faculty of Culture and Social Sciences at the University of Lucerne from 2004 to 2007. In 2007-2015, Orlando Budelacci served as managing director of the interdisciplinary National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) on the topic of Image Criticism ("eikones").
Orlando Budelacci was lecturer and consultant in the field of philosophy, (digital) ethics, politics, artificial intelligence at the University of Basel, the University of Lucerne, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, the Volkshochschule beider Basel, UBS AG and other companies. In addition, he was an expert for Schweizer Jugend forscht and has been an expert for the best Matura papers of Central Switzerland high schools since 2017. From 2020-2023, he was a lecturer in the BA programme - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Computer Science). Since 2018 Orlando Budelacci is a member of the board of Fumetto - International Comic Festival in Lucerne.